ثم قرر طرده من الغابه وقال له : هذا جزاء من يبيع الاصدقاء الاوفياء ويغدر بهم
While some animals outside the forest to search for food
They found a small bear hit on one of its feet and unable to move. The monkey said: Let's carry it and take it to our forest and treat it.
After the bear was cured he started playing and having fun with the animals
That saved his life
When he grew up and became a village, Assad chose him to be his guard, so he started caring only for Assad and forgot his friends
On the day the lion asked the bear to bring him to the monkey tied up and said to him: The monkey spoke about me inappropriately and claimed that I am unjust and fair
The bear went to take the monkey among the animals
And the fox said to him: This monkey who saved your life and without whom you would not have been between us now
The bear said angrily: Friendship does not interest me and has no price
Assad promised me to be his right hand minister and aide
What did friendship offer to me?
Then he tied the monkey and took it to the lion despite the animals begging him
The fox entered the lion's den and told him: I warn you of this bear
Just as he betrayed us, he will betray you
And to be sure of my words, tell him that you are sick and that you will die soon and that your brother will be the king
The lion called the bear and informed him of his illness and his abdication to his brother
The bear shouted at the lion's face
And he said to him: I am not worthy of judgment of the jungle
You and everyone in the jungle know that I am the strongest here
I will be the king, whether you like it or not, patient
The lion ordered his brother and the most powerful animal to attack the conceited bear
Then he decided to drive him out of the jungle and told him: This is a reward for selling and betraying loyal friends
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