Her friend told her: As long as this child does not brush his teeth and brush and putty, and never cleans them, we will remain here happily and we will always grow and multiply
Indeed, mites continued to grow and multiply within the child's teeth and teeth without knowing it
Ahmad used to see his sister brushing her teeth with brushes and putty every day, but he never liked to brush his teeth and the licorice continued to gnaw his teeth and eat them slowly, and Ahmed's teeth began to hurt, so they took him to the dentist
The doctor said what is this: What is all this licorice son!
Never brush your teeth?
The doctor kept wondering, then said: Unfortunately, we must remove more than half of your teeth and teeth
Ahmed started crying and says: I will suffer more and more by taking it off, and after that I will not be able to eat!
The doctor said: It is necessary and you will start drinking liquids only for a few days
Then eating will remain difficult for you until you grow teeth and other teeth
The doctor said these words as he pointed his finger warning
Ahmed looked at his mother and her clean white teeth
He said, updating the doctor's conversation
And then I will wash and brush my teeth every day like my sister
His sister smiled, her beautiful white teeth appeared, and he prepared for the pain he would face in removing his teeth and teeth.
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