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قصة سيدنا يونس عليه السلام The story of our master Yunus, peace be upon him قصص اطفال قبل النوم

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قصة سيدنا يونس عليه السلام
The story of our master Yunus, peace be upon him 

ولد سيدنا يونس عليه السلام في قرية نينوى بالعراق ، كان اهل هذه القرية يعبدون الاصنام ، تحير سيدنا يونس واخذ يفكر في امر قومه فبعثه الله نبيا لهم 
يدعوهم الى عبادة الله وترك عبادة الاصنام ، لم يستجيب قوم سيدنا يونس لدعوته وقالوا له : انت لست بافضلنا كى يبعثك الله لنا كما اننا نعبد ما كان يعبد آباونا 
لكن سيدنا يونس ظل يدعوهم ومكث فيهم تسع سنوات يدعوهم ولا يستجيبون له ، فحزن حزنا شديدا ويئس من هدايتهم وقرر ان يترك هؤلاء القوم المعاندين ويرحل من قريتهم ووعدهم ان العذاب سوف يأتيهم بعد ثلاثة ايام 
خرج سيدنا يونس من القرية لكنه لم ينتظر امر الله له بالخروج وظن ان الله لن يضيق عليه وربما يبعثه الى قوم اخرين يصدقونه ويؤمنون به 
لما توعد سيدنا يونس قومه بالعذاب خافوا وآمنوا بالله وخرجوا الى الصحراء يدعون الله ويستغفرونه فتاب الله عليهم
سار سيدنا يونس عليه السلام حتى وصل الى شاطيء البحر وركب مع قوم في سفينتهم وبينما السفينة تسير في البحر هبت ريح شديدة وهاج الموج وكادت السفينة ان تغرق
اقترح القوم تخفيف حمل السفينة ولا يكون ذلك الا بأن يلقوا بأحد الراكبين 
فعلموا قرعة فوقعت على سيدنا يونس فقال القوم : انقذف يونس العبد الصالح؟
فكرروا القرعة وكل مرة تقع على سيدنا يونس ، فأيقن سيدنا يونس عليه السلام ان هذا امر الله وتدبيره وادرك انه اخطأ لما خرج من قريته دون ان يأتي امر الله له 
فألقى نفسه في الماء فابتلعه حوت ضخم استقر سيدنا يونس عليه السلام في بطن الحوت وادرك انه لم يمت فأخذ يستغفر الله ويسبحه ويدعوه 
لا اله الا انت سبحانك انى كنت من الظالمين 
مكث سيدنا يونس في بطن الحوت اربعين يوما بعدها اتى امر لله للحوت بأن يقذفه على الشاطيء فقذف الحوت سيدنا يونس 
فأنبت الله عليه شجرة من يقطين يأكل منها ويستر جسده 
لما قوى سيدنا يونس عليه السلام اوحى الله اليه ان يرجع الى قومه وانهم آمنوا 
فرجع سيدنا يونس عليه السلام وعبد الله مع قومه حتى توفاه الله

Our master Yunus, peace be upon him, was born in the village of Nineveh, Iraq. The people of this village worshiped idols. Our master Yunus was puzzled and thought about his people’s affairs, so God sent him a prophet to them.

He calls them to worship God and leave idolatry. The people of our master Yunus did not respond to his call and said to him: You are not our best for God to send you to us as we worship what our father was worshiped

But our master Yunus kept calling them, and he stayed with them for nine years, calling them and not responding to him. He was very sad and despaired of their guidance, and he decided to leave these stubborn people and leave their village and promised them that the torture will come to them after three days.

Our master Yunus went out of the village, but he did not wait for God’s command for him to leave and thought that God would not distress him and perhaps send him to other people who believed him and believed in him.

When our master Yunus vowed to his people with torture, they feared and believed in God, and went out to the desert, praying to God and asking forgiveness, so God repented to them.

Our master Yunus, peace be upon him, walked until he reached the shore of the sea and rode with people on their ship. As the ship was traveling in the sea, a strong wind blew, and the waves were nearly overwhelmed.

The people suggested reducing the ship's load, and that is only to throw one of the passengers

They learned a lottery and fell on our master Yunus, and the people said: Did Yunus slave the good slave?

So they repeated the lottery and every time it fell on our master Yunus, so our master Yunus, peace be upon him, realized that this was God’s command and arrangement and realized that he had sinned when he came out of his village without God’s command coming to him

So he threw himself in the water and was swallowed up by a huge whale. Our master Yunus, peace be upon him, settled in the belly of the whale. He realized that he was not dead, so he started asking God for forgiveness, praising him and calling him

No god but You Glory I oppressors

Our master Yunus stayed in the belly of the whale for forty days, after which a command came to God for the whale to throw it on the beach, and the whale tossed our master Yunus

So God grew on him a tree of a pumpkin who would eat from it and cover up his body

When our master Yunus, peace be upon him, strengthened, God inspired him to return to his people and they believed

Our master Yunus, peace be upon him, and Abdullah returned with his people until God passed away 

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