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قصة الاسد والعسل The story of lion and honey قصص اطفال قبل النوم

قصة الاسد والعسل 
The story of lion and honey

كان الذئب هو الصديق المقرب للاسد وكان لا يحمل هم طعام ابدا ومنذ وصول الدب الى الغابة وتقربه من الاسد والذئب
لا يرضي عن هذه المحبة التى نشأت بين الاثنين 
فكر الذئب في الانتقام من الدب وعندما علم بمرض زوجه الاسد ذهب لزيارتها وهناك سمع الثعلب الطبيب يقول للاسد لقد تجمعت الحشرات الضارة فوق جسد زوجتك واصابته ولابد من دهن جسدها بالعسل 
حتى تشفى 
وتعود كما كانت 
اسرع الذئب وذهب الى الدب وقال له : لقد علمت ان النمر الذي يكرهك كثيرا وضع لك سما في جرة العسل التى تأكل منها 
فخذها والقها وسط البحيرة حتى لا تسبب ضررا لاحد 
اخذ الدب جرة العسل والقي بها داخل البحيرة وشكر صديقه الذئب
عاد الذئب الى الاسد وقال له بحزن : لقد ذهبت الى صديقك الدب ليعطيني جرة العسل التى يمتلكها كى يدهن مولاي جسد زوجته
ولكنه شرب ما بالجرة ثم القي بها بالبحيرة
ذهب الاسد غاضبا الى الدب ومعه بعض الحيوانات فاستقبله الدب بفرحه كبيرة
ثم سأله
ما بك ياصديقي ؟
اراك حزينا غاضبا 
قال الاسد : لانك علمت ان شفاء زوجتى في العسل فتخلصت منه 
قال الدب 
لقد اخبرني الذئب ان بالعسل سما فالقيت به في البحيرة 
فهم الاسد الحكاية وان الذئب اراد الوقيعه بينه وبين صديقه الدب 
الذي القي بنفسه في البحيرة ثم عاد بجرة العسل مغلقه 
وقدمها للاسد قائلا ...
خذها وافعل بها ما تشاء لعل شفاء زوجتك يتم
عاد الاسد والحيوانات الى زوجة الاسد وبحثوا عن الذئب فلم يجدوا له اثرا ثم علموا ان الذئب هرب ولن يعود مره اخرى

The wolf was a close friend of the lion, and they never carried food since the bear reached the forest and approached the lion and the wolf.

He is not satisfied with this love that arose between the two

The wolf thought about revenge on the bear, and when he learned of the illness of his lion's husband, he went to visit her and there the fox heard the doctor saying to the lion: The harmful insects have gathered over your wife's body and his infection and her body must be applied with honey

Until she heals

It returns as it was

The wolf hurried and went to the bear and said to him: I knew that the tiger that hates you so much put a poison in the jar of honey that you eat from

So take it and throw it in the middle of the lake, so as not to cause harm to anyone

The bear took the honey jar and threw it into the lake and thanked his friend, the wolf

The wolf returned to the lion and said sadly to him: I went to your friend the bear to give me the honey jar that he owns in order to paint my wife's body

But he drank something with the jar and then threw it in the lake

The lion went angry to the bear with some animals, and the bear greeted him with great joy

Then he asked him

What's wrong, my friend?

I see you sad, angry

Assad said: Because you knew that my wife's healing in honey, I got rid of him

The bear said

The wolf told me that with honey Sama I threw it in the lake

The lion understood the story and that the wolf wanted to lie between him and his friend, the bear

He threw himself in the lake and then returned with a closed honey jar

And he presented it to the lion saying ...

Take it and do whatever you want, perhaps your wife will be cured

The lion and the animals returned to the wife of the lion and searched for the wolf, but they found no trace of it, then they learned that the wolf had escaped and would not return again

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