ثم اسرع مصطفى الى البقرة الكبيرة وهى تأكل من الحشائش واخذ
يداعبها ويقبلها
Mustafa lives with his family in one of the countryside, and every day he catches the stick and hits his big cow without a reason !!
One day, Mustafa went with his father to the field and accompanied them
The big cow
Mustafa watched his father connect the cow to the waterwheel and began to spin it to irrigate the land
At this time, the mosquitoes approached Mustafa and stung him
Mustafa got annoyed by the mosquitoes and began to drive him away from him, while he says to himself: The mosquitoes are so small and pirated me like this ??
After the cow had finished irrigating the land, Mustafa’s father untied it and left it to eat from the grass of the earth
Mustafa approached the arms of the wheel with which the cow was bound and tried to move him from his place, but ...
And then he said to his father: The arm of the wheel is very heavy, Dad, so how does the cow carry it and turn it around ?!
The father smiled and said: Because the cow is strong, Japanese, and you are weak
Mustafa said in amazement: The cow is stronger than me?
His father replied, "You are much stronger than you Japanese."
But God Almighty has harnessed it for the human being to serve him and benefit from her goods
It brings us beautiful natural milk
We make cream, butter, ghee and cheese from this milk
Even after her slaughter we eat her flesh and we also benefit from her hides
We eat her flesh and also benefit from her hides
At that time, Mustafa started thinking and then said to himself: The cow is stronger than me and I hit it every day with the stick and do not harm me !!
And the very small mosquito bites me and hurts from it!
Then he remembered the milk he consumed every morning, butter, cream, ghee and cheese all this good from the cow he had struck !!
Then Mustafa rushed to the big cow, eating from the weeds, taking pets and kissing her
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