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The story of the wolf and the little sheep قصة الذئب والخراف الصغيرة- قصص اطفال قبل النوم

قصة الذئب والخراف الصغيرة 

 كان ياما  كان كانت الخراف الصغيرة تعيش مع امهم في سعادة وهدوء الى ان سمعوا ان هناك ذئب اقترب من المزرعة وانه كل يوم يأكل احد الحيوانات فخافت النعجة على الصغار

فخافت النعجة على خرافها الصغار وقالت لهم لا تخرجو من البيت بمفردكم ولا تذهبوا بعيدا عندما تلعبون واخذت توصيهم بذلك الامر وتحذرهم من الذئب الغدار

وفي احد الايام خرجت الام كي تأتي بالطعام الى أبنائها الصغار وقبل ان تخرج طلبت من الخراف الصغار ان لا يخرجوا من المنزل وان لا يفتحو الباب لاحد 

بعد خروج النعجة من البيت نسى الخراف الصغيرة كلامها وخرجو من البيت كى يلعبو ويجرون وراء بعضهم حتى وصلوا الى كوخ قديم

فدخلوا فيه وهم لا يعلمون ان الذئب مختبأ بالداخل فلم وجدوه ظلو يصرخون من الخوف والرعب واستعد الذئب لكي يفترسهم جميعا

عادت الام الى البيت فلم تجد ابنائها فخرجت تبحث عنهم في كل مكان وهى خائفه مذعورة على ابنائها وقابلت النعجة السلحفاه وسألتها عن ابنائها فقالت لها انها رأتهم يلعبون بجوار الكوخ القديم

فجرت النعجة نحو الكوخ القديم بسرعه ودخلت الكهف فوجدت الذئب وهو يحاول ان يلتهم احدهم فنطحته النعجة بقرنيها فاوقعت الذئب واخذت ابنائها وعادت مسرعه الى البيت 

وجلس الخراف الصغيرة مع امهم وهم يبكون ويطلبون منها ان تسامحهم وتعفو عنهم وعلموا ان ذلك جزاء من لا يسمع كلام امه 

The story of the wolf and the little sheep

 Once upon a time, young sheep lived with their mother in happiness and calm until they heard that there was a wolf approaching the farm and that every day he eats one of the animals, so the sheep was afraid for the young

So the ewe was afraid for her little sheep and said to them: Do not go out of the house alone, and do not go far when you play. I took this matter to advise them and warned them of the treacherous wolf

One day the mother went out to bring food to her young children, and before she went out, she asked the young sheep not to leave the house and not to open the door to anyone.

After the ewe left the house, the little sheep forgot what they had said and left the house to play and run after each other until they reached an old hut

They entered it without knowing that the wolf was hiding inside, but they did not find a shadow screaming out of fear and terror, and the wolf prepared to prey on them all.

The mother returned home and did not find her children, so she went out looking for them everywhere, frightened and frightened for her children. She met the sheep the turtle and asked her about her children and she told her that she saw them playing near the old hut

The ewe ran towards the old hut quickly and entered the cave and found the wolf trying to devour one of them, so the ewe threw it with its horns, so it fell the wolf and took its children and returned home quickly

And the little sheep sat with their mother while they were crying and asking her to forgive them and forgive them, and they knew that this was a reward for one who did not hear the words of his mother

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