عبد الله يحب ممارسة الرياضة ، وقد اختارته إدارة المدرسة ليكون عضوا في فريق فصله لكرة القدم
وذات يوم استأذن بد الله والده في الذهاب الى النادي ليستعد مع زملائه للمباراة التى سيلعبها فريق الفصل
سمح له الوالد فشكره عبد الله ولبس ملابسه الرياضية بعد أن دعا بدعاء لبس الثوب : اللهم إني أسألك من خيره وخير ما هو له وأعوذ بك من شره وشر ما هو له "
نظم عبد الله حجرته ، وألقى السلام على أبويه وخرج من المنزل وصته يرتفع بدعاء الخروج : بسم الله توكلت على الله ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
وفي النادى قابل عبد الله زملاءه فألقى عليهم تحية الاسلام: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ، وصافحهم جميعا مبتمسا
بدأ الأطفال يلعبون ، واستدت المنافسة بينهم وإذا بصوت المؤذن يرتفع ( حى على الصلاة )
توقف عبد الله عن اللعب واعتذر لزملائه وترك الملعب وذهب الى المسجد فإذا بزملائه يفعلون مثله
وبعد انتهاء الصلاة ، نظر الوالد حوله فرأى عبد الله وزملائه بين جموع المصلين فسعد بهم
Cubs of Faith Chain
Prayer story
Abdullah loves to play sports, and the school administration chose him to be a member of his class's soccer team
One day, God asked his father's permission to go to the club to prepare with his colleagues for the match that the class team will play
The father allowed him to thank him, Abdullah thanked him and put on his sportswear after he invoked the supplication of wearing the garment: O God, I ask you of the best and the best of what is his and I seek refuge in You from his evil and the evil of what is his.
Abdullah organized his room, gave peace to his parents, left the house and his prayer was raised with the supplication of going out: In the name of God I trust in God and there is no strength or power except in God
At the club, Abdullah met his colleagues and gave them the greeting of Islam: Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings, and shook hands with all of them crying
The children started playing, and the competition between them intensified and the muezzin's voice was raised (shouts of prayer)
Abdullah stopped playing and apologized to his teammates, left the stadium and went to the mosque, and then his colleagues did the same
After the end of the prayer, the father looked around and saw Abdullah and his colleagues among the crowd of worshipers, and he was happy with them