
super baby

قصه رجل الاعمال الصغير 2024

في رُكن منْ أَرْكَان مثـ أنفاق، كَانَ هُناكَ
صَبيٍّ يَبيعُ أقلام الرصاص ويُمَارِسُ الشَّحَادَةُ،
مَرَ عَليه أحد رجال الأعمال فوضع دولارًا في
كيسه، ثم اسْتَقَل المترُو مُسْرعًا .

وبعْدَ لَحْظَة من التفكير خَرَجَ من المترُو َوسَارَ
نَحْوَ الصَّبيّ، وتَنَاوَلَ َبعْضَ أقلام الرَّصَاص
وأَوْضَحَ للصَّبِيِّ أَنَّهُ نَسيَ الْتَقَاطَ الأقلام التي
أَرَادَ َشرَاءَهَا، وَعِنْدَهَا قال للصَّبيّ: إنّكَ رَجُلُ
أَعْمَال مثلي، ولَدَيْكَ بضَاعَةٌ تَبيعُها .
منْ تِلْكَ اللحْظَةِ والصَّبِيُّ يُفكِّرُ ويَحْلُـ
ليَكُونَ بالفعل من رجال الأعمال

وَبِعْدَ ثَلاثِ سَنَوَاتِ مِنْ هذا الموقف، تَقَدَّمَ
مُوَظْفُ مَبيعات أنيق نَحْو رَجُل الأعْمَال وقَدَّمَ
نَفْسَهُ لَهُ قَائِلاً: إنَّكَ فِي الغَالب لا تَذْكُرُني.
ولكِنِّي لَنْ أَنْسَاكَ مَا حَييتُ.

وَأَضَافَ : َأنَّكَ الرجُلُ الذي أعَادَ إِليَ احْتِرَامِيَ
لنَفْسي لَقَدْ كُنْتُ شَحَّاذَا أبيعُ أقْلامَ الرِّصَاصِ،
إلى أَنْ جِئْتَ أَنْتَ وأَخْبَرْتَنِي أَنَّني رَجُلُ أَعْمَالِ،
ومِنْ يَوْمِهَا واقْتَنَعَ عَقْلِي بِذَلِكَ، حَتَّى تَحقَقَ

كثير من الناس وصلوا إلى
أنفُسُهُم قادرين عليه، لأن شخصا
قادرون على ذلك

ظَنَّ أَنَّهُم

In a corner of a tunnel, there was
A boy sells pencils and practices Shahadah,
A businessman passed by and put a dollar in
His bag, then quickly took the metro.

After a moment of thought, he left the metro and walked.
He walked towards the boy and took some pencils.
He explained to the boy that he had forgotten to pick up the pens that
He wanted to buy it, and then he said to the boy: You are a man.
Business like me, you have goods to sell.
From that moment on, the boy thought and decided.
And he strives
To actually be a businessman

After three years of this position, he advanced
Salesperson, elegant and businesslike, presented
He said to himself: You probably don't remember me.
But I will never forget you as long as I live.

He added: You are the man who restored my respect.
For myself, I was a beggar selling pencils,
Until you came and told me that I was a businessman,
From that day on, my mind was convinced of that, until it came true.
My dream.

Many people reached out
They themselves are capable of it, because a person
on him,
They are able to do that

They thought
He thought they were


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