
super baby

قصه الحمار وزير2024

ذات يوم شعر الأسد ملك الغابة بتعب شديد فأرسل في طلب الفيل طبيبه
الخاص. كشف الفيل على الأسد فلم يجده مريضاً فقال له : مولاي ملك الغابة
أنت لست مريضًا كل ما تشكو منه هو بعض التعب من كثرة العمل وأعباء الحكم
وعلاجك هو الراحة.

الأسد كلام طبيبه وجلس يفكر، بالفعل هو يحتاج إلى الراحة فالغابة
واسعة وكل أمر من أمورها عليه أن يديره وحده وهو ما يرهقه بشدة.
ووجد أنه لابد أن يساعده أحد.

أعلن الأسد في كل الغابة أنه سيقيم مسابقة بين الحيوانات ليختار مساعداً
له من بينهم وأن من يجد في نفسه القدرة على مساعدة الأسد عليه أن يتقدم
وتقدم كثير من الحيوانات للمسابقة ولكن الأسد لم يعجبه أحد حتى جاء الحمار
وتقدم إلى الأسد.

كان معه الكثير من الهدايا التي قدمها إلى الأسد وكان لسانه حلوا فقال له أحلى
الكلام وقدم أفضل الوعود فسعد الأسد به جداً ووافق أن يكون هو مساعده.
وأصبح الحمار وزيرًا للأسد. ولكن الحمار كان محتالاً ومخادعاً كبيراً وكان
يريد أن يستفيد من منصبه ولا يهمه مشاكل أهل الغابه وبدأ الحمار يمنع اتصال
الحيوانات بالأسد ويقابلهم بمفرده وكان لا يحكم في مشكلة إلا بما فيه صالحه
وصالح عائلته من الحمير

وفرض الحمار على جميع الحيوانات ضريبة من البرسيم يقدمها كل واحد منهم
وإلا تعرض للطرد من الغابة. وبدأت الحيوانات تضيق بما يحدث وتعلن اعتراضها
على أفعال الحمار ولكن لم يكن أحد يستطيع الوصول للأسد ليقدم له شكواه.
وكان الأسد يقضي وقته كله في السفر والرحلات والصيد ولم يعد يهتم بأمور

وذات يوم خرج الأسد بدون ثيابه الملكية إلى الغابة المجاورة ليتنزه هناك فسمع
في الطريق حيوانات الغابة المجاورة وهم يتحدثون عن غابته وكيف ساءت أحوال
الحيوانات بها.
كان بعضهم يقول أن الغابة أصبح يحكمها حمار وأن الأسد ملكها الحقيقي قد خف
عقله ولم يعد قادراً على الحكم.

ضاق الأسد بما سمع وعاد إلى المملكة ليلا وعند دخوله القصر وجد الحيوانات
متزاحمة وكل منهم معه كمية من البرسيم يريد تقديمها إلى الحمار كي يكسب
وكان الجميع يتهامسون بأن الأسد الذي يجعل الحمار وزيره يجب الخلاص منه
فلا أحد يقبل بحكم الحمار

ونظر الأسد في وجوه الحيوانات ورأى الضيق والغضب فشعر بغلطته عندما قبل
بالحمار وزيرا له لمجرد أنه قدم هدايا ثمينة ووعد وعوداً جميلة.
وقال الأسد لنفسه أنه يجب تصحيح هذا الخطأ.
دخل الأسد القصر وقد قرر أن يطرد الحمار ويعيد لكل مظلوم حقه.

فانتزع الحمار من على العرش وألقاه بالخارج وعاد الأسد لحكمه وعادت له هيبته
ووقاره بين الحيوانات

One day, the lion king of the jungle felt very tired, so he sent for the elephant, his doctor
private. The elephant looked at the lion and did not find him sick, so he said to him: My lord, the king of the jungle
You are not sick, all you complain about is some fatigue from too much work and the burdens of governance
Your treatment is rest.

he heard
The lion followed his doctor's words and sat thinking. Indeed, he needs rest in the forest
It is vast and every one of its affairs must be managed by him alone, which exhausts him greatly.
He found that someone had to help him.

The lion announced throughout the forest that he would hold a competition among the animals to choose a helper
He is among them, and whoever finds himself capable of helping Assad must come forward
For the competition.
Many animals applied for the competition, but no one liked the lion until the donkey came
He advanced to Assad.

He had a lot of gifts that he presented to the lion, and his tongue was sweet, so he told him it was sweeter
He spoke and made the best promises, so Assad was very happy with him and agreed to be his assistant.
The donkey became Assad's minister. But the donkey was a great deceiver and deceiver
He wants to benefit from his position and does not care about the problems of the people of the forest, and the donkey began to prevent communication
He dealt with the animals as a lion and faced them alone, and he would not judge a problem except in what was in his best interests
Saleh and his family of donkeys

The donkey imposed on all the animals a tax of clover provided by each one of them
Otherwise, he will be expelled from the forest. The animals began to become annoyed with what was happening and announced their objection
On the actions of the donkey, but no one could reach the lion to complain to him.
The lion was spending all his time traveling, traveling, and hunting, and he no longer cared about other things
His kingdom.

One day, the lion went out without his royal clothes to the nearby forest to take a walk there, and he heard
On the way, he saw the animals of the nearby forest talking about his forest and how bad the conditions had become
Animals out there.
Some of them said that the forest had become ruled by a donkey and that the lion, its true king, had diminished
His mind is gone and he is no longer able to judge.

The lion was fed up with what he heard and returned to the kingdom at night. When he entered the palace, he found animals
They crowded together, and each of them had an amount of clover that he wanted to give to the donkey so that he could earn money
His satisfaction.
Everyone was whispering that the lion who made the donkey his minister must be eliminated
No one accepts the rule of a donkey

The lion looked into the faces of the animals and saw distress and anger, so he felt his mistake when he accepted
He used a donkey as his minister just because he gave valuable gifts and made beautiful promises.
Assad told himself that this mistake must be corrected.
The lion entered the palace and decided to expel the donkey and restore his rights to every oppressed person.

So he snatched the donkey from the throne and threw him outside, and the lion returned to his rule and his prestige returned to him
And his dignity among animals
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