حول قطيع الماعز والخراف اخذ الكلب بندق يتابع عمله اليومي في حراسه هذا القطيع الكبير من الاخطار المحيطة به فقد يتعرض للسرقه من احد اللصوص فيطارده او قد تشرد احدى الحيوانات بعيدة عن القطيع فيلحق بها
او يهاجمها احد الحيوانات الضارية كالذئب وغيره فيطرده ويقوم بمساعدته مجموعه من اصدقائه الكلاب وبين الحين والاخر يلعب حوله ابنه الصغير فهد وفي بعض الاوقات يلعب مع صغار الماعز والخراف ويمارس معها ما يتعلمه من والده من امور الحراسه وخلافه
وفي يوم من الايام ظهر بالمنطقة ذئب شرير واخذ يلف ويدور من بعيد حول قطيع الماعز والخراف ليدرس المنطقة جيدا ويفكر في دهاء كيف يمكنه ان يحصل على فريسه من هذا القطيع دون ان يتعرض له الكلب بندق حارس القطيع واصدقائه
واذا به يقع نظره على فهد ابن بندق وهو يلعب ويلهو بعيدا عن ابيه فسنحت للذئب فرصه كلا يحقق هدفه ورغبته عن طريق الكلب فهذا فواتته فكره خبيثه بان يحتجز بين يديه ويطلب في المقابل فريسه سمينه من الماعز والخراف
فهجم على فهد واحتجزه بين يديه كرهينه واضعا انيابه حول رقبته فاخذ الكلب الصغير فهد ينبح ويصرخ مستغيثا بابيه فسمعه والده من بعيد واخذ يجري متخطيا كل شيء في طريقه في اتجاه صوت ابنه فهد وما ان وصل الى مكان الصوت حتى وجد
ابنه مشلول الحركة فزعا من الخوف وتحيطه ايدي الذئب الشرير فاصدر صوتا زمجره عاليه وكشر عن انيابه فهدده الذئب بالقضاء على ابنه فهدأ بندق وخاف على ابنه فاخبره بنبره كلها تهديد ووعيد بانه اذا اراد استرداد ابنه سالما فعليه ان يبادله بماعز او خراف سمينه
ففكر بندق سريعا ووافق على طلب الذئبورجع مسرعا الى القطيع وساتدعى اصدقائه الكلاب من فريق الحراسه وواتته فكره عظيمه وما هى الا دقائق معدودة حتى رجع بندق ومعه ثلاث خراف سمان ففرح الذئب فرحا شديدا واحس بنجاح خطته في الاستيلاء على احدى الفرائس بدون اى تعب او معاناه
فرقع يده عن فهد عائدا لوالده فاخذه بندق في حضنه واطمان عليه وتاكد من سلامته ونظر الى الذئب في غضب شديد وقال له لقد احضرت لك ثلاث خراف لكى تختار منها ما تشاء ، فاطلقهم في اتجاه الذئب وما ان اقتربوا منه حتى حدثت مفاجاه غير متوقعه شلت اطراف الذئب عن الحركة فلقد خلعت الخراف الثلاث ما عليها من فروة
واذا بهم ثلاث كلاب من كلاب الحراسه فانقضوا على الذئب بانيابهم ومخالبهم الحادة محدثين به جروحا والاما كبيرة ، فما كان منه الا ان فر هاربا مستغيثا بصوته الحقونى الحقونى النجدة حرمت مش هاعمل كده تانى
فضحك بندق ضحكه عاليه هو واصدقائه وابنه فهد وفرحوا بوحدتهم وانتصارهم على الذئب في اداء عملهم وواجبهم تجاه القطيع
Around the herd of goats and sheep, the dog took Bunduq, continuing his daily work in guarding this large herd from the dangers surrounding it. He might be robbed by a thief and chase him, or one of the animals might stray far from the herd and catch up with it.
Or a wild animal, such as a wolf and others, attacks her, and he expels him, and a group of his dog friends help him. From time to time, his young son, a leopard, plays around him, and at times he plays with young goats and sheep, and he practices with them what he learns from his father in matters of guarding and so on.
And one day a wicked wolf appeared in the area and began to circle and circle from afar around the herd of goats and sheep to study the area well and think cunningly how he could get his prey from this herd without being attacked by the dog, Nut, the guard of the herd and his friends.
And if his sight falls on the leopard of Ibn Bunduq while he is playing and having fun away from his father, then the wolf had a chance to achieve his goal and desire through the dog, so he missed a malicious idea to hold him in his hands and ask in return for a fat prey of goats and sheep
So he attacked Fahd and held him hostage in his hands, putting his fangs around his neck, so the little dog Fahd started barking and crying out for his father, so his father heard him from afar and he ran bypassing everything on his way in the direction of the voice of his son Fahd, and as soon as he reached the place of the sound, he found
His son is paralyzed, terrified of fear, surrounded by the hands of the evil wolf, so he made a loud roaring sound and grinned his fangs, so the wolf threatened him to eliminate his son, so he calmed down Nut and feared for his son, so he told him with all his tone a threat and a threat that if he wanted to recover his son safely, he must exchange him for a fat goat or sheep
Hazelnut thought quickly and agreed to the wolf's request. He quickly returned to the herd and his dog friends from the guard team would be summoned. A great idea came to him, and it was only a few minutes until Hazelnut returned with three fat sheep. The wolf rejoiced with great joy and felt the success of his plan to seize a prey without any fatigue or suffering.
So he snapped his hand on a cheetah, returning to his father, so he took Hazelnut in his lap and reassured him and made sure of his safety. He looked at the wolf in great anger and said to him, I have brought you three sheep so that you can choose from them whatever you want, so he set them free in the direction of the wolf, and as soon as they approached him, an unexpected surprise occurred, paralyzing the limbs of the wolf. From the movement, the three sheep took off their fur
And if they had three guard dogs, they pounced on the wolf with their fangs and sharp claws, inflicting wounds on it and great pain. It was only that he fled on the run, crying for help with his voice. Follow me. Help is forbidden. I will not do that again.
Hazelnut laughed loudly with his friends and his son Fahd and rejoiced in their unity and their victory over the wolf in performing their work and their duty towards the herd.