منتشيا فرحا مسرورا يهز ذيله يمينا ويسارا ويقفز هنا وهناك يلعب حول امه انه الجحس الصغير زعتر فتاره تجده يلعب مع الماعز واخرى يلعب مع الخروف فما زال صغيرا ولا يهمه شيء الا اللعب مما دعا امه ان تخاف عليه من عدم قدرته على تحمل المسئولية ففكرت كثيرا
حتى قررت ان تبدأ في تعليمه كيف يتحمل المسئولية ويعتمد على نفسه ففي صباح يوم مشرق احست بانها مرهقه جدا ومتعبه فاستغلت الفرصة فقالت لزعتر انها مريضة ولا تستطيع الخروج للعمل كعادتها وذلك بسبب الم شديد بظهرها يمنعها من ان تتحمل اى احمال عليها
وفي حزن شديد طلبت من ابنها زعتر ان يخرج الى العمل بنيابه عنها لكى يقوم بنقل كميات من البرسيم من الحقل الى المزرعه ففي باديء الامر احس زعتر انه اصبح مسئولا عن امه وانه قادر على تحمل المسئولية والعمل نيابه عنها الا انه في نفس الوقت حزن لانه لن يتمكن من اللعب والمرح كما تعود كل يوم
وخرج زعتر الى العمل في يومه الاول لتحمل المسئولية وما ان وصل الى الحقل حتى بدأ صاحب الحقل تحميله حزم البرسيم واحدة بعد الاخرى حتى احس انه سيسقط على الارض من شدة الحمل
فتذكر والدته المريضة فانتصب واقفا عازما على تحمل اى احمال زائدة في سبيل الحفاظ على صحة والدته من اى سوء متحملا على نفسه ما لا يطيق الى المزرعه باحماله من البرسيم
فاذا به يجد اصدقائه الماعز والخروف يلعبون ويمرحون في الطريق فاخذ ينظر اليهم متحسرا على ما فاته من اللعب واللهو وما هى الا عدة نظرات اخرى حتى تناسى مسئولياته وقرر ان يلعب قليلا مع اصدقائه فما زال امامه متسع من الوقت فانزل ما على ظهره من حمل البرسيم وتركه بجوار الطريق واخذ يلعب ويلهو مع اصدقائه .
وما ان احس ان الوقت قد مر سريعا وتأخر عن العودة الى المزرعه حتى ترك اللعب وتوجه نحو حمل البرسيم الذي تركه بجوار الطريق وما ان اقترب من المكان حتى وجد ان البرسيم قد اختفى ماذا حدث له ؟ اين ذهب ؟
ظهرت على وجهه علامات استفهام كثيرة واستغرب من الموقف الذى وضع نفسه فيه وفي نفس الوقت كانت امه تشعر به وكانت في اشد لحظات القلق والخوف على ابنها وفلذه كبدها وقد اخذت تلف وتدور ذهابا وايابا طوال النهار من شدة القلق عليه
وما هى الا لحظات حتى رأت زعترا قادما على اول الطريق وهو منكسر ورأسه متدلية على عنقه الى اسفل من شدة الخجل من مواجهه امه فاشتد قلقها واسرعت تجري نحوه قائله ماذا حدث لك؟
اين كنت؟ لماذ تأخرت؟؟ اين حمل البرسيم؟؟ اسئلة كثيرة ومتلاحقة تحاصرة بها انطق؟ تكلم ماذا حدث؟؟ فتنهد تنهيدة طويلة ثم قال لها سامحينى ياامي
لم اكن على قدر المسئولية التى حملتنى اياها فلقد تركت البرسيم على قارعه الطريق واخذت العب والهو وعندما رجعت اليه لم اجد شيئا واخذ في البكاء والنهيق بصوته الرفيع
فاخذته في حضنها وقالت له: لا تحزن واحمد الله قال قد الله وما شاء فعل فمسح زعتر دموعه وما زاده هذا الموقف الا اصرار وعزيمه على ان يصحح ما افسده واستيقظ مبكرا في اليوم التالي وقبل يد والدته وقال لها ان تستريح هذا اليوم ايضا من العمل وذهب الى الحقل في جد ونشاط وتحمل فوق ظهره ضعف الكمية التى حملها بالامس ورجع الى المزرعه ولم يلتفتت الى اى من اصدقائه في الطريق
ووجد امه في انتظاره وما ان وقع نظرها عليه حتى ظهر على وجهها علامات الفرح والسرور والاطمئنان خاصه وقد وجدت كمية البرسيم كاملة كما هى على ظهر زعتر بل وكميتها مضاعفه
ففرحت فرحا شديدا واحست ان ابنها قد كبر وتحمل المسئولية واصبح قادرا على مواجهه الحياة باعبائها ومسئوليتها
High with joy, happy, shaking his tail left and right, jumping here and there, playing around his mother. It is the little falcon of thyme. Sometimes you find him playing with the goats, and another time he plays with the sheep. He is still young and does not care about anything but playing, which prompted his mother to fear for him because of his inability to bear the responsibility.
Until she decided to start teaching him how to take responsibility and depend on himself. On the morning of a bright day, she felt very exhausted and tired, so she took advantage of the opportunity and told Zaatar that she was sick and could not go out to work as usual, because of severe back pain that prevented her from carrying any loads on her.
In great sadness, she asked her son, Zaatar, to go out to work on her behalf, in order to transfer quantities of alfalfa from the field to the farm. Of playing and having fun as you come back every day
Zaatar went out to work on his first day to take responsibility, and as soon as he reached the field, the owner of the field began loading him with bundles of alfalfa, one after the other, until he felt that he would fall to the ground from the severity of the load.
Remembering his sick mother, he stood up, determined to bear any extra burdens in order to preserve his mother's health from any harm, carrying on himself what he could not bear to the farm with his loads of alfalfa.
So he finds his friends, the goats and the sheep, playing and having fun on the road, so he looked at them lamenting what he had missed in terms of playing and having fun, and it was only a few other looks until he forgot his responsibilities and decided to play a little with his friends. The road and took playing and having fun with his friends.
And as soon as he felt that the time had passed quickly and he was late to return to the farm, he left the toys and went towards carrying the alfalfa that he had left by the road. As soon as he approached the place, he found that the alfalfa had disappeared. What happened to him? where did he go
Many question marks appeared on his face, and he was surprised by the situation in which he put himself. At the same time, his mother was feeling him, and she was in the most anxious and fearful moments for her son and her liver.
And it was only moments until she saw Zaatar coming at the beginning of the road, broken, and his head hanging down from his neck, out of extreme shame in confronting his mother, so her anxiety increased and she ran towards him, saying, What happened to you? Where were you? Why are you late?? Where is the clover? Many questions and successive besieged by pronounce? speak what happened?? So he sighed a long sigh and then said to her, forgive me, mother
I was not up to the responsibility that you held me, so I left Alfalfa on the side of the road and took to play and play and when I came back to it I did not find anything
So she took him on her lap and said to him: Do not be sad, and thank God. He said God has done what He wills, so Zaatar wiped away his tears, and this situation only increased his insistence and determination to correct what he had spoiled. He woke up early the next day and kissed his mother's hand and told her to rest this day also from work and went to The field is very active and he carried on his back twice the amount he carried yesterday and returned to the farm without looking at any of his friends on the way
And he found his mother waiting for him, and as soon as she looked at him, signs of joy, happiness and reassurance appeared on her face, especially as she found the entire amount of alfalfa as it is on the back of thyme, and even its quantity doubled.
She was very happy and felt that her son had grown up and assumed responsibility and became able to face life with its burdens and responsibilities.