
super baby

صديقتى الزرافة - قصص مترجمة عربي انجليزى - حصري لاول مره سلسله الغزالة ديما -#قصص_اطفال

 ريما غزالة رشيقة وجميلة وهى محل ثقه ابيها وامها لانها صادقة ومهذبه 
عندما ينتهى اليوم الدراسي تعود ريما الى المنزل لتتناول غداءها وتذاكر دروسها وهى لا تتاخر ابدا كى لا تقلق امها

لكن الام لاحظت تاخر ريما فاخذت الام تنظر من النافذه وبعد مدة جاءت ريما متعبه جدا 

سالتها الام في قلق عن سبب تاخرها ارتبكت ريما وقالت كنت متعبه واسير ببطء

في اليوم التالى تاخرت ريما كثيرا وعندما عادت لم تعط امها فرصه للسؤال ونامت من فورها 

عندما غادرت ريما المنزل ذاهبه الى المدرسة ارتدت الام ثيابها خلفها دون ان تشعر ريما 

فوجدت الام ان ريما لم تسلك طريق المدرسة المعتاد فاحست الام بالقلق وسارت خلفها وسط الاشجار المتشابكة 

فوجئت الام بزرافه مريضه جريحه على الارض وقد بدا عليها الاعياء ورات ريما تعطيها الاعشاب والفواكهه والدواء

اقتربت الام وقالت: ريما ارتبكت ريما بشدة وسالت دموعها واخذت الزرافه المريضه تنظر في دهشة الى ريما وامها 

عرفت الام قصه الزرافه لقد تاهت عن قطيعها وجرحها احد الاسود فهربت ان ريما تساعدها 

لكن الام قالت ياريما لا تسلكى الى الهدف الصحيح الا طريقا صحيحا فاعتذرت ريما

Rima Ghazala is graceful and beautiful, and she is trusted by her father and mother because she is honest and polite

When the school day is over, Rima returns home to eat her lunch and tickets for her lessons, and she is never late so that her mother does not worry.

But the mother noticed that Rima was late, so the mother looked out the window, and after a while, Rima came very tired

The mother asked her in concern about the reason for her being late. Rima was confused and said I was tired and walking slowly

The next day, Rima was very late, and when she came back, she did not give her mother a chance to ask, and she fell asleep right away

When Rima left the house to go to school, the mother put her clothes behind her without Rima feeling

The mother found that Rima did not take the usual school road, so the mother felt anxious and walked behind her among the tangled trees.

The mother was surprised by a sick, wounded giraffe on the ground, and she was starting to faint. She saw Rima giving her herbs, fruits and medicine.

The mother approached and said: Rima was very confused and shed tears and took the sick giraffe looking in astonishment at Rima and her mother.

The mother knew the story of the giraffe. She got lost in her herd and was wounded by a lion, so she ran away. Rima helped her.

But the mother said, Yarema, do not go to the right goal, but the right path, so Rima apologized 

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