
super baby

مغامرات بازل - احلى جمل في الدنيا - بازل يفقد سنامه - جديد وحصري - مترجمة

مغامرات بازل - احلى جمل في العالم - بازل يفقد سنامه - جديد وحصري 
في مزرعة عم عثمان القريبة من الصحراء عاش الجمل الصغير بازل مع امه وبقية الحيوانات 
كلما خرج بازل ليسير بجوار امه كانت حيوانات المزرعه تفرح به وبسنامه الذي يكبر ويكبر حتى اصبح مثل الهرم 

في احد الايام خرجت ام بازل مع عم عثمان تحمل المحصول الى القرى البعيدة 
فحزن بازل لفراق امه حزنا شديدا ورفض ان ياكل ويشرب كبقية الحيوانات 
حاولت بقية الحيوانات ان تلعب وتضحك مع بازل فقام الحمار حصاوى برفس الهواء وتناطحت العنزة سخله والعنزه مخله لكن بازل ظل حزينا
مرت فتره طويلة وبازل لا ياكل ولا يشرب حتى ضعف جسده وفي احد الايام رات الحيوانات شيئا غريبا 
وقفت الحيوانات تنظر الى بازل في تعجب فسالهم بازل لماذا تنظرون الى قال الحمار حصاوى اين ذهب سنامك يابازل
نظر بازل الى ظل خياله في ضوء الشمس فلم يجد سنامه وقال لو كانت امى هنا لاخبرتنى سبب اختفاء سنامى 
وفي احد الايام جرت الحيوانات نحو بازل سعيدة فقد عادت ام بازل مع عم عثمان 
فرح بازل بعودة امه فرحا شديدا لكن ضايقه انه ليس له سنام مثل امه اقتربت الام من  بازل ووضعت له الطعام والماء فاكل حتى شبع وشرب الماء حتى ارتوى
بعد ايام فرحت الحيوانات حين بدأ سنام بازل يكبر ويكبر قالت الام ان بازل فقد سنامه لانه لم ياكل ويشرب 
عاد بازل يسير بجوار امه وقد اصبح سنامه مثل الهرم مره اخرى نظر بازل الى ظل خياله فراه اكبر واكبر وبعد ذلك نظر الى امه وقال سوف اكل واشرب اكثر واكثر 

The Adventures of Basel - the most beautiful camel in the world - Basel loses its hump - new and exclusive
On Uncle Othman's farm near the desert, the young camel Basel lived with his mother and the rest of the animals
Whenever Basel went out to walk next to his mother, the farm animals rejoiced in him and his hump, which grew and grew until it became like a pyramid.

One day, Umm Basel went out with Othman's uncle, carrying the crop to distant villages
Basel grieved for his mother's separation, and refused to eat and drink like other animals
The rest of the animals tried to play and laugh with Basel, so the donkey kicked pebbles in the air and the goat shrieked, and the goat was disgraced, but Basel remained sad.
A long time passed and Basel did not eat or drink until his body weakened, and one day the animals saw something strange
The animals stood looking at Basel in amazement. Basel asked them why you are looking at me. He said the donkey is pebbles, Where did your hump go, Basel?
Basel looked at the shadow of his silhouette in the sunlight, but did not find his hump.
One day, the animals ran towards Basel happy. Umm Basel came back with Uncle Othman
Basel was very happy with his mother's return, but it annoyed him that he had no hump like his mother. The mother approached Basel and put food and water for him, so he ate until he was full and drank water until he was satisfied
After a few days, the animals rejoiced when Basel's hump began to grow and grow. The mother said that Basel lost his hump because he did not eat and drink.
Basel came back walking next to his mother, and his hump became like a pyramid again. Basel looked at the shadow of his imagination, and he saw it getting bigger and bigger. Then he looked at his mother and said, “I will eat and drink more and more.”

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