
super baby

التاجر الامين - قصص اطفال جديدة


الحاج ابراهيم تاجر كبير لديه الكثير من الابقار والجاموس والاغنام والمعيز وقد عرف بامانته الشديدة وذات يوم هجم كلب على معيز الحاج ابراهيم فجرح ماعزة فاسرع الصبيان وعالجوا جروح الماعزة 

جاء رجل غريب عن القرية وسأل عن منزل الحاج ابراهيم وكان يريد ان يشترى ماعزة من معيز الحاج ابراهيم وعندما وصل الى المعيز وقع اختيار الرجل على الماعزة التى جرحها الكلب ولم ير اثر الجروح في رجليها ولم يخبره الصبيان 

بما حدث لها واعطى الرجل الثمن لابن الحاج ابراهيم علم الحاج ابراهيم بما حدث فغضب اشد الغضب وعاتبه ابنه عتابا شديدا لانه لم يخبر الرجل بما حدث للماعزة 

حار الحاج ابراهيم في امره وانتظر اياما لعل الرجل يكتشف جروحها فيعيدها اليه لكن الرجل لم يعد فلم يجد الحاج ابراهيم مفرا من ان ينفق ثمنها كله في سبل الخير 

وكان اللصوص يهاجمون القرية ويسرقون ما يستطيعون سرقته من مواشى الفلاحين واموالهم وكان الحاج ابراهيم يبذل كل ما في وسعه لتعويض اهل قريته عما سرق من مواش واموال مما جعل اهل القرية جميعا يحبونه 

وذات ليلة كان الحاج ابراهيم عائدا الى بيته في وقت متأخر من الليل فهجم عليه اللصوص وارادوا ان يأخذوا ما معه من اموال وحماره ولكن الحاج ابراهيم عرفهم بنفسه واخبرهم انه سوف يعطيهم الكثير من الاموال اذا عرف الاسباب التى تدفعهم الى السرقة 

عرف الحاج ابراهيم منهم انهم لا يجدون اعمالا فرق الحاج ابراهيم لحالتهم فعرض الحاج ابراهيم عليهم اعمالا برواتب مغرية بشرط ان يمتنعوا عن السرقة ويردوا ما سرقوه فوافق اللصوص على عرض الحاج ابراهيم فاخذهم الى منزله وحدد لهم الاعمال  

التى سيقومون بها فسعدوا سعادة بالغة وفي الصباح اعاد اللصوص ما سرقوه الى الحاج ابراهيم فاستدعى الحاج ابراهيم الفلاحين الذين سرقت مواشيهم ورد اليهم ما سرق منهم فشكروه على العمل العظيم ودعوا الله ان يبارك له في تجارته ويزيد ارباحها  

Hajj Ibrahim is a big merchant who has many cows, buffaloes, sheep and goats. He was known for his extreme honesty. One day, a dog attacked Hajj Ibrahim’s goats, wounding a goat, so the boys hurried and treated the wounds of the goat.

A strange man came from the village and asked about the house of Hajj Ibrahim and he wanted to buy a goat from the goats of Hajj Ibrahim. When he reached the goats, the man chose the goat that the dog had wounded, and he did not see the effects of the wounds on its legs, and the boys did not tell him

What happened to her, and the man gave the price to Haji Ibrahim’s son, Haji Ibrahim knew what had happened, so he became very angry and his son reprimanded him severely because he did not tell the man what had happened to the goat.

Haji Ibrahim was hot in his affair and waited for days, perhaps the man would discover her wounds and return them to him, but the man did not return, so Haji Ibrahim did not find any escape from spending all of her price on charitable causes.

The thieves were attacking the village and stealing what they could steal from the farmers’ livestock and money. Haji Ibrahim was doing everything in his power to compensate the people of his village for the stolen livestock and money, which made all the people of the village love him.

One night, Hajj Ibrahim was returning to his home late at night, so the thieves attacked him and wanted to take his money and his donkey, but Hajj Ibrahim introduced them himself and told them that he would give them a lot of money if he knew the reasons that motivate them to steal.

Haji Ibrahim knew from them that they could not find jobs, so Haji Ibrahim offered them jobs with attractive salaries, on the condition that they refrain from stealing and return what they stole. The thieves agreed to Haji Ibrahim’s offer, so he took them to his house and specified the work for them.

Which they would do, they were very happy, and in the morning the thieves returned what they had stolen to Haji Ibrahim, so Haji Ibrahim summoned the farmers whose livestock had been stolen and returned to them what was stolen from them, so they thanked him for the great work and prayed to God to bless him in his trade and increase its profits

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