كانت ارنوبة تعيش في سلام وامان مع ابيها وامها في بيت هاديء جميل ، وكان الجميع يحب المرح واللعب ويخرجون سويا ويعودون معا
ذات يوم اراد ابو ارنوبة وامها ان يذهبا لاحضار الطعام اللذيذ من الخس والجزر فقالا لارنوبة لا تخرجي من البيت حتى تعود من الخارج
قالت ارنوبة لوالديها : لن اخرج حتى تعودا فلما ذهبا قالت ارنوبة لنفسها : ماذا يحدث اذا خرجت العب خارج البيت واعود اليه قبل ان يعودا
بالفعل خرجت ارنوبة الصغيرة واخذت تلعب وتمرح خارج البيت بعض الوقت ثم عادت الى البيت قبل وصول ابيها وامها من الخارج
عندما وصل الوالدان قالت الام الارنوبة : هل خرجت من البيت ؟ فكرت ارنوبة قليلا ثم قالت : لا لم اخرج من البيت ياامي ولن اخرج ابدا طالما انتم في الخارج
لقد كذبت ارنوبة على امها وابيها وظن الوالدان انها صادقة ففرحا بها لانها لم تخرج من البيت وهما لا يعرفان انها تكذب عليهما
ظلت ارنوبة تخرج للعب خارج البيت كلما خرج ابوها وامها وتعود قبل ان يعودا واذا سألها احدهما هل خرجت من البيت ؟ تكذب دائما وتقول : لا
اطمأن ابو ارنوبة وامها عليها تماما لانهما ظنا انها لا تخرج من البيت حتى يعودا من الخارج وهما لا يعلمان انها تخرج يوميا تلعب خارج البيت
في يوم من الايام خرجت ارنوبة من البيت لتلعب كعادتها وفي هذا اليوم راها ارنب ضخم شرير كان يؤذي كل الحيوانات
امسك الارنب الضخم بارنوبة الصغيرة فخافت وارتعدت وكان هناك ارنب طيب ولكنه ضعيف يرى ما يحدث فاسرع ليخبر ابويها بينقذاها
وصل الارنب الطيب الى ام ارنوبة ووالدها وقال لهما : ان ابنتكما ارنوبة كانت تلعب خارج البيت فجاء الارنب الضخم الشرير وامسكها وبالتأكيد سوف يؤذيها
عندما سمع ابو ارنوبة وامها كلام الارنب لم يصدقاه وقالت الام: ابنتى ارنوبة لا تخرج من البيت حتى نعود لقد قالت لنا ذلك وابنتى لا تكذب ابدا
استمر ابو ارنوبة وامها في عملهما ولم يعودا الى البيت وكان الارنب الشرير يؤذي ارنوبة ايذاء شديد ويضربها على رأسها وجسمها وهى تصرخ وتبكى
بعدما انتهى الابوان من عملهما عادا الى البيت فوجدا ارنوبة تبكى مما حدث لها كما كانت خائفه لانها كذبت على ابيها وامها كثيرا
وقفت ارنوبة امام والديها مكسوفة تنظر في الارض ثم قالت : اسفه لن اكذب بعد ذلك وبالفعل كبرت ارنوبة ذون ان تكذب بعد ذلك ابدا
It is said that
Arnouba was living in peace and safety with her father and mother in a beautiful quiet house, and everyone liked to have fun and play and go out together and come back together.
One day, Abu Arnouba and her mother wanted to go get the delicious food of lettuce and carrots, so they said to Arnouba: Do not go out of the house until you come back from outside
Arnouba said to her parents: I will not go out until you return. When they went, Arnouba said to herself: What happens if you go out? Play outside the house and come back to it before they return
Indeed, little Arnouba went out and started playing and having fun outside the house for some time, then returned home before her father and mother arrived from outside.
When the parents arrived, the rabbit mother said: Did you go out of the house? Arnouba thought a little, then said: No, I did not go out of the house, my mother, and I will never go out as long as you are outside
Rabbit lied to her mother and father, and the parents thought that she was honest, so they were happy with her because she did not go out of the house and they did not know that she was lying to them
Arnuba kept going out to play outside the house whenever her father and mother went out and came back before they came back, and if one of them asked her, "Did she leave the house?" Always lie and say: No.
Abu Arnouba and her mother were completely reassured about her because they thought that she would not go out of the house until they came back from outside, and they did not know that she went out every day and played outside the house
One day, a rabbit went out of the house to play as usual, and on this day she saw a huge, evil rabbit that was harming all the animals.
The huge rabbit grabbed the little bunny, and she was afraid and shuddered. There was a good but weak rabbit seeing what was happening, so hurry to tell her parents about how to save her.
The kind bunny arrived at the mother of Arnouba and her father and told them: Your daughter Rabbit was playing outside the house, so the huge evil bunny came and caught her and it will certainly hurt her
When Abu Arnouba and her mother heard the rabbit's words, they did not believe him, and the mother said: My daughter, Arnouba, does not go out of the house until we come back. She told us that and my daughter never lies
Abu Arnouba and her mother continued their work and did not return home, and the evil bunny was severely hurting a rabbit and hitting her on the head and body while she was screaming and crying
After the parents finished their work, they returned home and found Arnuba crying about what happened to her, just as she was afraid because she lied to her father and mother a lot
Arnouba stood in front of her parents eclipsed looking at the ground and then said: Sorry, I will not lie after that. Indeed, Arnoubah has grown up, never to lie after that.
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