
super baby

قصه هيا معنا - قصص تربوية

هيا ماعَنا
لاحظ الْخَالُ أَنْ ضِيَاءَ ابْنَ أخْته دائمًا وحيدًا

وَعِنْدَمَا سَأَلَهُ لِمَاذَا لا يَشْتَرِكُ مَعَ أُخْلِهِ فِي
اللعِبِ وَالْحِوَارِ، قَالَ: حَتَّى لا أُخْطِئُ مِثْلَ أُخْتِي.

فَأُخْتِي سُهَا تُخْطِئُ أَحْيَان عِنْدَمَا تَتَحَدَّدُ أَوْ
تَلْعَبُ أَوْ تَقُومُ بِأَيِّ عَمَلٍ، فَتْعَاتِبُهَا أُمِّي وَقدْ

قَالَ الْخَالُ : هَذَا عَيْبٌ كَبِيرٌ، فَلَوْ خَفْتَ منْ كُلِّ
نَقْدِ لِرَأْيكَ أَوْ عَمَلِكَ فَلَنْ تُفَكِّرَ أَوْ تَعْمَلَ أَبَدًا.

أدخل ضياء وَقَبَّلَ خَالَهُ، ثُمَّ ذَهَب لِيَلْعَب
فتِهِ وَيُسَاعِدَ أَمَّهُ فِي مَا تَطْلُبُهُ مِنْهُ.

Come with us
The uncle noticed that his sister’s son, Diaa, was always alone.

And when he asked him why he did not participate with his brother in
Playing and talking. He said: So that I don’t make mistakes like my sister.

My sister Soha sometimes makes mistakes when she speaks or...
She plays or does any work, and my mother scolds her.
She gets angry.

The uncle said: This is a major defect. If you are afraid of everything...
Criticize your opinion or action and you will never think or act.

Diya smiled and kissed his uncle, then went to play.
He is young and helps his mother with whatever she asks of him.

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