
super baby

قصه الدب كيمو 2024

كان الدب كيمو دباً جميلاً جداً له فراء ناعم لونه زاهي ولكنه رغم ذلك كان
دبٌ أحمق جداً وكثيراً ما كان يسبب مشكلات لمن حوله بحماقاته
وكان كيمو كلما عمل عند أحد تدخل فيما لا يفهمه فيسبب لأصحاب العمل
خسائر كبيرة ولذلك كانوا يطردونه من العمل
وذات يوم طرد كيمو من عمله وأصبح لا يجد عملاً يكسب منه لأن الجميع
يخشى حماقته.العالم

وكان بالمدينة عالم كبير اسمه فهيم وكان هذا العالم يقضي معظم وقته في
معمله ولم يكن يعرف بقصة كيمو.
ذهب كيمو إلى منزل العالم وطرق بابه ففتح له العالم وهو لا يعرفه فطلب
منه كيمو أن يعمل لديه وشكا له حاله من عدم وجود عمل يعيش منه . ووعد
العالم ان يكون خادماً مطيعاً له.

وافق العالم أن يعمل كيمو لديه وشرط عليه ألا يتدخل في مالا يعنيه وألا
يدخل معمله أبداً، ووافق كيمو على ذلك وبدأ عمله عند العالم فهيم.
كان كيمو ينظف المكان ويطهو الطعام لكنه طوال الوقت كان يريد أن يدخل
المعمل ليرى ما فيه.
وذات يوم خرج العالم فهيم ليشتري أدوات للمعمل وكان كيمو وحده

انتهز كيمو فرصة غياب العالم ودخل المعمل وأخذ يعبث بمحتوياته.
وجد كيمو سوائل ملونة في زجاجات فقال لنفسه : هذه السوائل إذا خلطتها
ببعض بالتأكيد ستكون شيئاً جميلا لقد رأيت العالم فهيم يفعل ذلك.
وخلط كيمو السوائل ببعضها. وانفجر الوعاء الذي وضع فيه السوائل
وتناثرت محتوياته في كل مكان وأغرقت جسد كيمو.

شعر كيمو بألم في جسده وأخذ يصرخ وجاء العالم فهيم فوجد ما حدث في
معمله . فزع العالم وأسرع يغسل جسد كيمو بالماء.
ولكن المادة الحارقة أتلفت فراء كيمو الجميل وسقط منه معظم الشعر وأصبح
شكله سيئاً جداً.
وحزن كيمو لما أصابه.

وأراد العالم فهيم أن يطرد كيمو من العمل لديه ولكن كيمو طلب من العالم أن
يسامحه ويبقيه لديه لأنه بعد ما حدث لن يجد أي مكان يعمل فيه.
رق العالم فهيم لحال كيمو وقال له : حسنا يا كيمو ستعمل عندي ولكنك
ستعمل في الحديقة فقط ولن تدخل المنزل وإذا سببت أي مشكلات أخرى
سأطردك فوراً .

وعد كيمو العالم فهيم ألا يسبب له أي مشكلات مرة أخرى.
ومن وقتها التزم كيمو بعمله في الحديقة وقد تعلم الا يتدخل أبداً في شيء
لا يفهمه.
وبعد فترة عاد لكيمو جمال فراءه وعاد كيمو الدب الجميل ولكنه لم يعد
أبداً ذلك الدب الأحمق.

Kimo the bear was a very beautiful bear with soft, bright-colored fur, but despite that, he was...
A very foolish bear who often caused trouble to those around him with his foolishness
Whenever Kimo worked for someone, he interfered in what he did not understand, causing harm to his employers
Huge losses, so they fired him from work
One day, Kimo was fired from his job and he could not find a job to earn money from because everyone...
He fears the foolishness of the world

There was a great scholar in the city named Fahim, and this scholar spent most of his time in...
His laboratory did not know about Kimo's story.
Kimo went to the scientist's house and knocked on his door. The scientist opened for him and he did not know him, so he asked
Kimo asked him to work for him and complained about his situation of not having a job to live on. And he promised
The world is to be its obedient servant.

The scientist agreed to have Kimo work for him and stipulated that he not interfere in anything that does not concern him or not
He never entered his laboratory, and Kimo agreed to this and began working for the scientist Fahim.
Kimo was cleaning the place and cooking food, but all the time he wanted to go inside
The laboratory to see what is in it.
One day, the scientist Fahim went out to buy tools for the laboratory, and Kimo was alone
At home.

Kimo took advantage of the scientist's absence and entered the laboratory and began tampering with its contents.
Kimo found colored liquids in bottles and said to himself: These are liquids if you mix them
With some, it will definitely be a beautiful thing. I have seen the world Fahim do that.
Chemo mixed the liquids together. The container in which he placed the liquids exploded
Its contents scattered everywhere and drowned Kimo's body.

Kimo felt pain in his body and started screaming, and the scientist Fahim came and found what happened to me
His laboratory. The scientist was terrified and quickly washed Kimo's body with water.
But the burning substance destroyed Kimo's beautiful fur, and most of the hair fell out and became...
It looks very bad.
Kimo was saddened by what happened to him.

The scientist Fahim wanted to fire Kimo from working for him, but Kimo asked the scientist to
He forgives him and keeps him because after what happened he will not find anywhere to work.
The scholar Fahim felt sorry for Kimo and said to him: Okay, Kimo, you will work for me, but you...
It will only work in the garden and will not enter the house and cause any other problems
I will fire you immediately.

Kimo promised the scientist Fahim not to cause him any problems again.
Since then, Kimo has committed himself to his work in the garden and has learned never to interfere in anything
He doesn't understand it.
After a while, the beauty of his fur returned to Kimo, and Kimo the beautiful bear returned, but he did not return
Never that stupid bear.
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