
super baby

سلسة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه لا للخصام


سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة 

قصه لا للخصام 

دخلت الام حجرة يوسف ووجدته يقرأ احد الكتب قالت الام اجل القراءه بعد تناول الغداء قال يوسف اننى استعرت كتاب اليوم من مكتبه الحي وانت تعرفين ياامي ان القراءه هو هوايتي المفضلة 

قالت الام اعرف يايوسف ساذهب غدا الى معرض الكتاب وسوف احضر لك مجموعه جديدة من الكتب دخلت سالى اخت يوسف الى الحجرة لتخبر امها بميعاد حفل تكريمها 

فرحت الام وهنات سالي ولاحظت ان يوسف لم يهنيء اخته وعرفت من سالي انهما متخاصمان لان سالي تسببت في كسر جائزة التفوق الذي حصل عليها يوسف العام الماضي 

وحاولت الام ان تصلح ما بينهما ولكن لم تستطيع وبعد خروج سالي والام من الحجرة اخذ يوسف يحدث نفسه قائلا اننى سعيد لتفوق سالي وتكريمها لكننى مازلت غاضبا منها

وفي اليوم التالى احضرت الام بعض الكتب ليوسف ورشحت له كتابا لقراءته اولا وحضر مؤمن صديق يوسف الى البيت ووجد يوسف يقرأ قال مؤمن ماذا تقرأ قال يوسف لقد شدنى الكتاب الذى احضرته امى لى اليوم 

قال مؤمن وما الذي شدك في الكتاب قال يوسف لقد قرات حديثا ما معناه ان المسلم لا يجوز ان يهجر اخاه فوق ثلاث ليالي وانا اخاصم سالي منذ فتره طويله قال مؤمن عليك اذن ان تنهى هذا الخصام 

وفي يوم حفل تكريم سالي عندما وجدت يوسف يقف وسط الجميع وهو سعيد واخذ يصفق عندما استلمت سالى الجائه ثم صعد الى المسرح وقدم التهنئه لسالي فرحت سالي وقالت له انا سعيدة بحضورك 

وفي اليوم التالى وجد يوسف اخته سالى تقف وفي يدها جائزته وهى سليمه تماما فرح يوسف وشكر سالى اقتربت الام منهما وقالت اتمنى ان تقرءوا المزيد من الكتب لتفهموا وتتعلموا اجمل الخصال 

Our beautiful morals series
A story not to quarrel

The mother entered Joseph's room and found him reading one of the books. The mother said, "Stop reading after lunch." Joseph said, "I borrowed a book today from his neighborhood library. You know, mother, that reading is my favorite hobby."

The mother said, “Know, Yusef. Tomorrow I will go to the book fair, and I will bring you a new set of books.” Yusef’s sister, Sally, entered the room to tell her mother the date of her honoring ceremony.

The mother and Hanat Sally were happy and noticed that Yusef did not congratulate his sister and learned from Sally that they were quarreling because Sally caused Yusef to break the excellence award that Yusuf received last year.

And the mother tried to reconcile what was between them, but she could not, and after Sally and the mother left the room, Joseph started talking to himself, saying that I am happy for Sally to excel and honor her, but I am still angry with her.

On the next day, the mother brought some books to Joseph and recommended a book for him to read first, and Moamen, Joseph's friend, came to the house and found Joseph reading. Moamen said, "What are you reading?" Joseph said.

He said, "Believer, and what drew you to the book." Yusuf said, "I have read a hadith which means that a Muslim is not allowed to leave his brother for more than three nights. I have been arguing with Sally for a long time."

On the day of Sally's honoring party, when she found Youssef standing in the midst of everyone, he was happy and clapping when Sally received his gifts, then he went up to the stage and congratulated Sally. Sally was happy and said to him, I am happy with your presence.

The next day, Joseph found his sister, Sally, standing with his award in her hand, which was completely intact.

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