عم امين خطاب يعمل في تقطيع اخشاب الاشجار في الغابه حيث يخرج كل يوم في الصباح الباكر ويحمل على كتفه البلطة ويذهب الى الغابة باحثا عن الاشجار ذات الاغصان الوارفه ويمكث طوال النهار حتى غروب الشمس يقطع في الاخشاب وما ان ينتهي من ربطها كخزم كبيرة حتى يحملها فوق ظهره عائدا الى بيته
فيقوم ابنه وزوجته برصها فوق بعضها البعض على سطح المنزل وياخذوا منها ما يشاءون للتدفئه وللوقود اللازم للطبخ وغيره ويبيعون ما تبقي منها
وفي صباح يوم شديد البرودة هم عم امين كعادته للخروج من بيته قاصدا الغابه فاذا بزوجته تنادى عليه وتحمل في يدها بالطو من الفرو الناعم لكى يحيمه من برد الشتاء فوضعته بحنو على كتفه والبسته فتبسم لها ضاحكا وقال لها الان عرفت مدى معزتى عندك فان هذا البالطو الذي ورثته عل ابيك غالى عندك جدا ولولا حبك لى وخوفك على ما كنت اخرجته من صندوق الملابس
وودعته بابتسامه رقيقه ودعت الله له بالرزق الوفير والبركة والسلامة وان يحميه من كل شر وما ان وصل عم امين الى الغابة وبحث عن شجره ليبدأ بها عمله فنظر الى البالطو وتذكر معزته عند زوجته فخاف عليه وخلعه ونظر حوله كى يضعه في مكان امين كى لا تطوله الاوساخ والاتربه
فوجد بين الاغصان فرع صلب وطويل يصلح لتعليق البالطو عليه واطمئن لبعده عن الارض وبدا ممارسه عمله
واثناء انهماكه في عمله لم يغفل عن النظر عليه كل فتره وما ان انتهى من بعض عمله حتى قرر ان يستريح قليلا لتناول طعام الافطار فالتفت ليطمئن على البالطو ففزع وانتفض واقفا فلم يجد البالطو في مكانه فجري نجوه ففوجيء اختفاء البالطو والغصن الذي علقه عليه ؟؟
فنظر يمينا ويسارا واخذ يجري هنا وهناك وقلبه يدق كالطبل سريعا فهو يخشى من ضياعه حتى لا تخزن زوجته عليه ، فرجع البيت سريعا ونادى على ابنه من دون ان تحس به زوجته واخبره ودهم في طريق العودة للغابه بما حدث
وما ان وصلا الى المكان الذي ترك فيه البالطو حتى طلب من ابنه ان يتفرقا وكل واحد يبحث عن البالطو في اتجاه ومر الوقت سريعا واقتربت الشمس على المغيب وعم امين يبحث هنا وهناك دون جدوى وبدأ يفكر في كيف سيواجه زوجته ويقنعها بفقدان البالطو وهو اعز شيء عندها ورثته عن ابيها
وتنبه لصوت ابيه وهو ينادى عليه ابي ابي لقد وجدت الباطلو انظر انه هناك اعلى الهضبه التى امامنا فنظر عم امين باستغراب ناحيه الهضبه فاذا به يري البالطو معلق كما تركه على الغضن ولكن الغريب في الامر ان الغصن يتحرك ويمشى يمينا ويسارا يالا العجب
فتوجه مباشره نحو البالطو ونظر بدقة تجاهه فاذا به يجد حيوان الرنه وهو حيوان من فصيله الغزلان وقرونه الطويلة الممتدة كافرع الشجره تماما وحاملا عليها البالطو
فحلق عليه عم امين من جهه وحاصره ابنه من جهه اخري وسريعا انقض عليه عم امين ممسكا بقرونه وما ان خلع من عليها البالطو حتى تركه يجري فارا بنفسه وفرح عم امين برجوع البالطو سليما ونظر لابنه قائلا جزاك الله خيرا يابنى على تعبك معى
فلولا مجهودك معى ما كنا وجدنا البالطو فنظر اليه ابنه قائلا لا ياابي لا تشكرني بل اشكر الله اولا واخيرا فهو الذي دلنا على مكانه فرد عليه ابيه قائلا عندك حق يابني هيا بنا نصلى ركعتي شكر الله على نعمائه علينا
Uncle Amin Khattab works in cutting wood in the forest. He goes out every day early in the morning and carries an axe on his shoulder. He goes to the forest in search of trees with lush branches and stays all day until sunset. He cuts the wood and once he finishes tying them like large bundles, he carries them on his back. back to his home
So his son and his wife stack them on top of each other on the roof of the house and take from them whatever they want for heating and for the fuel needed for cooking and other things, and they sell what is left of it.
And on the morning of a very cold day, they were uncle Amin, as usual, to go out of his house to the forest, so if his wife called for him and carried in her hand a blanket of soft fur in order to protect him from the cold of winter, so she placed it tenderly on his shoulder and dressed him, so he smiled at her laughing and said to her, “Now you know how dear I am to you, because this coat that I inherited Your father is very dear to you, and had it not been for your love for me and your fear for me, you would not have taken him out of the wardrobe
And she bid him farewell with a gentle smile, and prayed to God for abundant sustenance, blessing, and safety, and to protect him from all evil. As soon as Ameen Amin arrived in the forest and searched for a tree to start his work with, he looked at the coat and remembered his goat with his wife.
He found between the branches a solid and long branch suitable for hanging the balt on it.
While he was busy with his work, he did not lose sight of him every period, and as soon as he finished some of his work, he decided to rest for a while to eat breakfast, so he turned to check on the coat, so he panicked and rose standing, and he did not find the coat in its place.
He looked right and left and started running here and there and his heart was beating like a drum quickly, as he was afraid of losing him so that his wife would not grieve him.
And as soon as they reached the place where he left the coat, he asked his son to disperse, and each one looked for the coat in one direction. Time passed quickly, and the sun approached sunset, and Uncle Amin searched here and there to no avail. about her father
He was aware of his father's voice calling him, "My father, my father. I found the falsehood. I see that it is there on the top of the plateau in front of us." Ameen Amin looked in astonishment at the direction of the plateau. Then he saw the false robe hanging as he left it on the branch. But the strange thing is that the branch moves and walks right and left. What a wonder.
So he went straight towards the coat of arms and looked closely at it, and then he found reindeer, an animal of the deer species, with its long horns extending just like the branches of a tree, and carrying the coat on it.
Ameen Amin circled him from one side, and his son surrounded him from the other, and quickly uncle Amin pounced on him holding his horns, and as soon as he took off the coat from it, he let him run away by himself.
Were it not for your effort with me, we would not have found the robe. His son looked at him and said, “No, father, do not thank me. Rather, I thank God first and last, for He is the one who showed us his place.” His father replied to him, saying, “You are right, my son. Let us pray two rak’ahs of gratitude to God for His blessings upon us.”