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الهدهد العجيب - قصص اطفال جديدة


مدينة التجار مدينة جميلة يعمل معظم اهلها بالتجارة وكانت المدينة امنه هادئة الى ان هاجمتها عصابة من اللصوص وسرقت الكثير من اموال التجار وفي الصباح ذهب التجار الى متاجرهم فاذا بهم يجدون الابواب مفتحة والخزائن خالية من الاموال 

فغضبوا غضبا شديدا وابلغوا النجدة وكان الحاج سليمان من اكبر تجار القماش في المدينة وكان رجلا صالحا يؤدى الصلاة ويكفل الكثير من الايتام ويتصدق على الفقراء والمساكين وذهب الحاج سليمان الى متجره فوجده كما تركه 

لم تمتد اليه يد لص من اللصوص فحمد الله سبحانه وتعالى وكان لدى الحاج سليمان هدهد جميل والحاج سليمان يحب هذا الهدهد حبا شديدا فيقدم له طعاما وشرابه ويجعله بجواره في المتجر طوال اليوم فاذا جاء الليل ذهب الحاج

سليمان الى  منزله ويظل الهدهد امام باب المتجر وذات يوم اعطى الحاج سليمان عماله رواتبهم كما اعطى الفقراء والمساكين ثم اغلق خزائنه على ما بها من اموال واغلق باب متجره وذهب الى منزله 

كان اللصوص يراقبون الحاج سليمان طوال اليوم وعندما خلا الطريق من المارة اخرجوا ادواتهم واتجهوا الى باب متجر الحاج سليمان وكان الهدهد واقفا فوق حائط بجوار المتجر وعندما لاحظهم وهم يقتربون من باب المتجر 

ويقف على النافذة المطلة عليه ففهم الحاج سليمان ان المتجر في خطر فابلغ النجدة وكان اللصوص قد دخلوا المتجر وفتحوا الخزائن واخذوا كل ما بها من اموال وبينما هم يستعدون للخروج من المتجر اذا بالهدهد يطير وينقر أحدهم 

في عينه فصرخ اللص وانشغل به اللصوص بعض الوقت فاذا بهم يسمعون صوتا : سلم نفسك المكان كله محاصر سلم اللصوص انفسهم للشرطة ففرح التجار بالقبض على اللصوص وشكر الحاج سليمان الهدهد العجيب لوفائه الشديد 

The city of merchants is a beautiful city, most of its people work in trade, and the city was safe and quiet until a gang of thieves attacked it and stole a lot of the merchants’ money. In the morning the merchants went to their stores, and they found the doors open and the safes empty of money.

So they became very angry and called for help. Haji Suleiman was one of the largest cloth merchants in the city. He was a righteous man who performed prayers, sponsors many orphans, and gives alms to the poor and needy. Haji Suleiman went to his store and found him as he had left him.

The hand of one of the thieves did not reach him, so praise be to God Almighty. Haji Suleiman had a beautiful hoopoe, and Hajj Suleiman loves this hoopoe very much, so he gives him food and drink and places him next to him in the store all day long, so when the night comes, the pilgrim goes

Suleiman went to his house, and the hoopoe remained in front of the store door. One day, Hajj Suleiman gave his workers their salaries, as he gave the poor and needy, then closed his safes on what they had of money and closed the door of his store and went to his house

The thieves were watching Hajj Suleiman all day, and when the road was clear of pedestrians, they took out their tools and headed to the door of Hajj Suleiman's store. The hoopoe was standing on a wall next to the store and when he noticed them approaching the door of the store

Standing at the window overlooking it, Hajj Suleiman understood that the store was in danger, so he called for help. The thieves had entered the store, opened the cupboards, and took all the money in it. While they were preparing to leave the store, the hoopoe flew and one of them pecked.

In his eye, the thief screamed and the thieves were busy with him for a while, then they heard a voice: Turn yourself over, the whole place is besieged. The thieves surrendered themselves to the police, so the merchants rejoiced at arresting the thieves, and Haji Suleiman thanked the amazing hoop for his great loyalty.

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