
super baby

قصص اطفال - قصة كما تدين تدان

 قصص اطفال 

قصة كما تدين تدان قصة كما تدين تدان 

يحكى ان 

اخذ الاسد شديد يتسلل بين الاشجار بخطوات هادئة متوجها نحو الغزالة التىلم تدرك بعد انه قد اقترب منها الموت ولم تكن قد انتبهت لذلك التحذير في نهيق الحمير وصوت العصافير، وعندما اصبح الاسد شديد من الغزالة غير بعيد انطلق مسرعا نحوها

وعندما انتبهت الغزالة اسقطت العشب من فمها وانطلقت مذعورة للنجاة بنفسها، وبعد صراع طويل بين الصخور والاشجار تمكنت الغزالة من الفرار ثم وقفت بعيدة تلتقط انفاسها بجوار شجرة كبيرة امتدت ظلالها ونظرت للاسد شديد من بعيد وبصوت مرتفع قالت

اقرأ ايضاقصة الامير والرجل والفقير

اسلك من الغابة ايها الاسد هذا الجانب فلا يصح لامثالك سوى صيد الارانب حينئذ اختلط دموع الاسد بعرق جبينه متجها في حزن شديد الى عرينه وبينما هو على هذا الحال وفي هذا الضيق اذ بأسد عجوز هزيل يقابله في الطريق

وعندما رآه الاسد الهزيل على هذا الحال تقدم اليه في الحال وسأله بالحاح عن سر بكاءه ونواحه فلما عرف السبب بكى هو الاخر بصوت مسموع وتساقطت من عينه الدموع ثم قال للاسد شديد في آسى وحزن شديد اذهب يابنى لعرينك واسترح 

ولا تشمت بك حاقدا او قردا قبيحا وليتولى الصيد من الغد ابنك مالك، فقد تدرب باتقان على ذلك ، وهكذا تولى مالك رعاية ابيه الذي كان من قبل يرعاه ويحميه وعلى قوته قدم الابن اكبر دلالة عندما احضر لابيه رأس الغزالة

لم يستمر الحال على ذلك فقد تزوج مالك وانجب الاشبال واتخذ عرينا اخر غير عرين ابيه تحقيقا لرغبه زوجته وبنيه تاركا ابيه في امراضه واوجاعه مثله كمثل اصحابه واتباعه ، وبينما الاسد شديد يعاني من الهجر والمرض الشديد جاءه الاسد الهزيل 

وقد اصبح خيرا له من الابن ومن الخليل وظل على حزنه دوما يواسيه ، وبعد ان مرت الايام وشفى الاسد شديد من الاسقام والاوجاع قال للاسد الهزيل : يامن سهر بجانبي الليل الطويل وفي العسرة اراه امامى وكانه يشعر باوجاعي والامى 

الم يأن الاوان كى اعلم سر ذلك الود وهذا الحنان؟ فتحدث الاسد الهزيل وقال بعد ان تساقطت الدموع من عينيه وسالت : يابني انا ابوك الذي تركته ورحلت قبل ذلك كما تركك الان ابنك الوحيد مالك الم تعلم انه كمان تدين يابنى تدان 

It is said that
The lion began to creep through the trees with quiet steps heading towards the gazelle, which did not realize that it had approached it after death, and had not noticed that warning in the braying of donkeys and the sound of birds, and when the lion became strong from the deer not far away, he rushed towards it.

When the gazelle noticed, it dropped the grass from its mouth and started in panic to escape by itself, and after a long struggle between the rocks and trees, the deer managed to escape, then stood far away, catching its breath next to a large tree whose shade stretched out and looked at the lion from afar with a loud voice she said.
I walk from the woods, lion, this side is not true for those like you except to hunt rabbits. Then the tears of the lion mixed with the sweat of his forehead, heading in great sadness to his den, and while he was in this state and in this distress, as a weak old lion met him on the road

And when the lean lion saw him in this situation, he approached him immediately and asked him urgently about the secret of his crying and his wailing. When he knew the reason, he also cried in a loud voice and tears fell from his eye, then he said to the lion, very in sorrow and great sadness, go to your den and rest

Do not gloat over you as a malevolent or ugly monkey, and let your son, Malik, hunt from tomorrow, for he trained carefully on that, and thus Malik took care of his father, who had previously looked after him and protected him and on his strength the son gave the greatest indication when he brought his father the head of the deer
The situation did not continue for that, as Malik married and gave birth to cubs and took another nudity other than his father’s den to fulfill the wishes of his wife and sons, leaving his father with his illnesses and pains just like his friends and followers, and while the lion is severely suffering from abandonment and severe illness, the lean lion came to him

And it became good for him from the son and from Hebron, and he kept his grief always comforting him, and after the days passed and the lion was cured severely from sickness and pain, he said to the lean lion: He stayed up next to me for the long night and in difficulty, I see him in front of me as if he feels my pain and my mother

Hasn't the time come to know the secret of that friendliness and this tenderness? Then the lean lion spoke and said after tears fell from his eyes and asked: My son, I am your father whom you left and left before that, just as your only son has left you now, Malik. Did you not know that you also owe my son

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حكايات اطفال قبل النوم

حكايات الف ليلة وليلة

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