انتهت ساره من الامتحان وشعرت بالاطمئنان ، فقد ظهرت النتيجة ، وكانت سعيدة فهي كالعادة تقديرها في الزيادة
فأسرعت لابيها وقبلت يديه وقالت : وعد الحر دين عليه فقال لها الاب في رحمه وحب : انا عند وعدي
ولن اخلف عهدي فاستعد للزيارة وانا رهن الاشارة
ففرحت ساره بتلك العبارة ولم تنم شوقا للزيارة
واعدت حقيبتها وفي الصباح توجهوا للقطار ، فالرحلة طويلة لكنها جميلة
وغلب ساره النعاس ولم توقظها الاجراس وناداها ابوها ففتحت عينيها لقد اقتربوا من الوصول
واستعدوا للنزول واستلقوا السيارة والسعادة تملأ ساره فلقد وصلوا للمكان وهو بيت العم وهدان
فخرج الجميع بترحاب والتف حولهم الاهل والاحباب واستراحوا من العناء وتناولوا العشاء وباتت ساره في حجرة هناء
Sarah's diary in the countryside
Sarah in the countryside
Sarah finished the exam and felt comfortable. The result appeared, and she was happy. She is, as usual, appreciating the increase.
So she hurried to her father and kissed his hands and said: He promised the free is a debt that he owes, so the father said to her in his mercy and love: I follow my promise
I will not break my era, so prepare for the visit, while I am at the disposal of the signal
Sarah was happy with that phrase and did not sleep longing for the visit
She prepared her bag and in the morning they went to the train, because the journey is long but beautiful
Sarah fell asleep, and the bells did not wake her, and her father called her, so she opened her eyes, they were about to arrive.
They got ready to get off and put down the car, and happiness filled Sarah. They arrived at the place, which is Uncle Wahdan's house
So everyone went out with welcome, and the family and loved ones surrounded them.