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قصة فلافيو The story of Flavio قصص اطفال قبل النوم

قصص الحيوانات 

قصة فلافيو 

طلب فلفيلو من امه ان يذهب الى بحيرة الغابة ليلعب مع اصدقائه ويمرح معهم ويعود بسرعة 

وافقت الام على خروج فلفيلو ونبهت عليه ان لا يبتعد حتى لا يتوه في الغابة الواسعة فقال لها فلفيلو لا تخافي على ياأمي فأنا كبرت 

خرج فلفيلو وهو سعيد يجري ويمرح في الغابة والاشجار من حوله وباقي الحيوانات تلاعبه وتداعبه لصغر سنه الى ان وصل الى البحيرة الجميلة وقد اقبل الليل 

عندما رأى فلفيلو ماء البحيرة ظل يلعب بالماء ويلاعب اصدقائه ويضع الماء في ذلومته ويرميه عليهم وهم سعداء بذلك

نسى فلفيلو كلام امه بأن يعود بسرعه وظل يلعب الى غروب الشمس وكانت الحيوانات والطيور قد غادرو المكان الا هو 

أراد فلفيلو العودة الى المنزل بعد يوم جميل قضاه مع اصدقائه ولكنه ضل الطريق ولم يجد من يرشده الى طريق العودة وقد اقبل الليل 

جلس الفيل يبكي لانه لم يجد من يساعده للعودة الى البيت فرأه الدب الطيب وطلب من الحيوانات ان تساعده

للوصول الى امه فتسلق السنجاب الشجرة وطاره العصافير في الجو والدب ظل يشمشم في الارض حتى عرفو مكان منزله واخذوه الى هناك 

وعاد الفيل الى حضن امه مشرور وسعيد

شكرت الام الدب والحيوانات التى ساعدت الفيل للوصول لامه سليما معافا لم يصبه اذى 

The story of Flavio

Felvelo asked his mother to go to the lake lake to play with his friends and have fun with them and return quickly

The mother agreed to the departure of Velvilo, and she warned him not to get away so that he would not get lost in the wide woods.

Felvelo went out happy while he was joking around in the woods and the trees around him and the rest of the animals manipulating him and caressing him for his young age until he reached the beautiful lake and he came to the night

When Felvelo saw the water of the lake, he kept playing with water, playing with his friends, putting water in his blame and throwing them at them, and they were happy with that.

Felvelo forgot his mother's words to return quickly and kept playing until sunset, and the animals and birds had left the place but he

Felvelo wanted to go home after a beautiful day spent with his friends, but he lost his way and did not find anyone to guide him on the way back, and he came to the night.

The elephant sat crying because he could not find anyone to help him return home. The good bear saw him and asked the animals to help him

To reach his mother, the squirrel climbed the tree and the birds flew into the air and the bear kept smelling on the ground until they knew his home and took him there

The elephant returned to the bosom of his mother Mashour and Said

The mother thanked the bear and the animals that helped the elephant to reach its healthy, unharmed mother

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