
super baby

الفأر والمحارة - The Mouse and the Oyster


الفأر والمحارة 

كان هناك فار صغير قليل العلم والتجربة يسكن حقلا مع اسرته واهله 

لم يكن هذا الفار الصغير يهتم بالدراسة وظن انه قد تعلم كل شيء 

ترك الفار جحره وجحر والده وراح يطوف بالبلاد وظل يسير حتى وصل الى شاطيء بحر 

وتعجب عندما رأى كثيرا من المحارات وقال في نفسه : لاشك ان ابي كان فار مسكينا لم يغامر ولم يكن شجاعا مثلي 

نظر الفار الى المحارات فلاحظ ان واحدة منها قد انفتحت ولمعت تحت اشعه الشمس وظهر بداخلها شيء ابيض لامع 

قال في نفسه : اظن ان بداخل هذا الطبق طعاما لذيذا ربما لا اصادف مثله في حياتي ابدا 

بعد ان قال الفار الصغير ذلك اقترب من المحارة وقفز فيها يريد ان يأكل ما بها من طعام

لكن المحارة اطبقت على الفار الصغير فجأة فحاول ان يخلص نفسه لكن من غير فائده 

ادرك الفار انه وقع في الفخ لقد اصبح غذاء للحيوان الذي بداخل المحارة فعرف نتيجة جهلة ولكن بعد فوات الاوان 

The Mouse and the Oyster

There was a little mouse with little knowledge and experience who lived in a field with his family and relatives.

This little mouse was not interested in studying and thought that he had learned everything.

The mouse left his hole and his father's hole and went around the country and kept walking until he reached the beach.

He was surprised when he saw many oysters and said to himself: There is no doubt that my father was a poor mouse who did not take risks and was not brave like me.

The mouse looked at the oysters and noticed that one of them had opened and shone under the sun's rays and something shiny white appeared inside it.

He said to himself: I think that inside this plate is delicious food that I may never come across in my life.

After the little mouse said that, he approached the oyster and jumped into it, wanting to eat the food inside it.

But the oyster suddenly closed in on the little mouse, so he tried to free himself, but to no avail.

The mouse realized that he had fallen into the trap. He had become food for the animal inside the oyster, so he knew the result. Ignorant but too late

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