
super baby

سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه لا للسخريه Our beautiful morals series - a story without sarcasm

 سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه لا للسخريه Our beautiful morals series - a story without sarcasm

استيقظ علاء في اول يوم دراسي وهو سعيد للغايه لانه سيلتقي بزملائه وهناك التقي بزملائه وسلم عليهم ورحب بهم وبعد دخول التلاميذ الى فصلهم بفتره وجيزه دخل المعلم راشد ومعه تلميذ جديد قد نقل الى المدرسة حديثا 

وقدمه الى تلاميذ الصف وقال اعرفكم على احمد زميلكم الجديد وبدا التلاميذ يتهامسون لان احمد ولد بدينا ذو بشره سمراء قاتمه وجلس في المقعد المجاور لمقعد علاء وميله ايمن وفي فتره الاستراحه اخرج احمد طعامه وقبل ان يتناوله قدم بعضا منه لعلاء وايمن 

ولكن علاء قال بسخريه انا لا اتناول مثل هذه الاطعمه الدسمه حتى لا اصبح بدينا مثلك شعر احمد بشيء من الحرج وذهب الى فناء المدرسة وفي احد الايام اثناء عوده علاء من المدرسة انزلقت قدمه ووقع في احد الحفر وصادف هذا مرور احمد الذى اسرع على الفور وساعده الخروج من الحفره 

وبعد خروج علاء من الحفره لم يستطيع السير عليها فقد اصيبت قدمه اصابه بالغه واستند علاء على كتف احمد حتى وصل الى البيت شكرته والده علاء ثم اسرعت واستدعت الطبيب الذى امر علاء بالراحه لمده اسبوع 

وفي اليوم التالى اتى احمد لزياره علاء وتحدث اليه قائلا لقد اتيت للاطمئنان عليك ياعلاء واحضرت معى كل دروس اليوم كى لا يفوتك شيء قال علاء شكرا لك يااحمد 

وبعد انصراف احمد قالت الام يبدو انه ولد طيب القلب قال علاء لم اكن اتوقع ان يفعل هذا حكى علاء لامه عما بدر منه في حق زميله احمد قالت الام ان جمال الانسان يكمن في حسن تعامله مع الاخرين وليس في شكله ومظهره 

تكررت زيارات احمد حتى تماثل للشفاء واجتاز الجميع اختبار الشهر وبعد عده ايام اعلن المعلم راشد نتيجه الاختبار وحصل علاء واحمد على الدرجات النهائيه وسال المعلم راشد علاء عن سبب تفوقه بالرغم من عدم حضوره 

قال علاء الفضل يرجع الى صديقي احمد الذى كان يحضر كل يوم الى بيتى ليعطيني ما فاتني من دروس تقدم المعلم راشد من احمد وقال احسنت يااحمد والتف الجميع حول احمد يمطرونه بجميل العبارات وشعر احمد بالسعاده وسط الجميع 

Alaa woke up on the first day of school and was very happy because he would meet his colleagues. There he met his colleagues and greeted them and welcomed them. Shortly after the students entered their classroom, teacher Rashid entered with a new student who had recently been transferred to the school.

He introduced him to the class students and said, “I introduce you to Ahmed, your new classmate.” The students began whispering because Ahmed was born obese with dark brown skin. He sat in the seat next to Alaa’s seat, leaning toward Ayman. During the break, Ahmed took out his food and before eating it, he offered some of it to Alaa and Ayman.

But Alaa said sarcastically: I do not eat such fatty foods lest I become obese like you. Ahmed felt a little embarrassed and went to the school yard. One day, while Alaa was returning from school, his foot slipped and he fell into one of the holes. This coincided with Ahmed passing by, who immediately rushed over and helped him get out of the hole. the pit

After Alaa came out of the hole, he was unable to walk on it, as his foot was seriously injured, and Alaa leaned on Ahmed’s shoulder until he reached home. His father, Alaa, thanked him, then hurried and called the doctor, who ordered Alaa to rest for a week.

The next day, Ahmed came to visit Alaa and spoke to him, saying, “I came to check on you, Alaa, and I brought with me all of today’s lessons so that you would not miss anything.” Alaa said, “Thank you, Ahmed.”

After Ahmed left, the mother said, “He seems to be a good-hearted boy.” Alaa said, “I did not expect him to do this.” Alaa told his mother about what he had done to his colleague Ahmed. The mother said that the beauty of a person lies in his good dealings with others, and not in his appearance and appearance.

Ahmed's visits were repeated until he recovered and everyone passed the month's test. After a few days, the teacher Rashid announced the results of the test, and Alaa and Ahmed obtained the final grades. The teacher Rashid asked Alaa the reason for his excellence despite his absence.

Alaa said the credit goes to my friend Ahmed, who used to come to my house every day to give me the lessons I missed. The teacher, Rashid, approached Ahmed and said, “Well done, Ahmed.” Everyone gathered around Ahmed, showering him with beautiful phrases, and Ahmed felt happy among everyone.

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