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سلسلة #سلوكيات و #اخلاقيات - قصه تعلمت في #المسجد - قصص تربوية #Behaviours and #Ethics series - a story learned in the #mosque - educational stories

 سلسلة #سلوكيات و #اخلاقيات - قصه تعلمت في #المسجد - قصص تربوية #Behaviours and #Ethics series - a story learned in the #mosque - educational stories

ذهب احمد ووالده الى المسجد لصلاه العشاء واثناء الصلاه لاحظ احمد ان طفلا اخذ يركض ويصيح بصوت عال وكان اخر يمر من امام المصلين وهم يؤدون الفريضه

انزعج بعض المصلين ومن بينهم احمد وقال محدثا والده ان هذا السلوك لا يليق بمكانه المسجد قال والده بالفعل ياحمد لان المسجد هو بيت الله ومكان للعباده

وبعد انتهاء الصلاه وقف امام المسجد امام المصلين وقال لهم ساخصص الخطبة القادمة للحديث عن اداب المسجد 

قال احمد محدثا والده ساحرص على التواجد في المسجد غدا لاستمع الى خطبة الامام وساقوم بتدوين اهم ما سيقال بها 

وذهب احمد مبكرا واخذ معه ورقه صغيره وقلما ليسجل بها ما يقوله الامام وساله رجل كان يجلس بجواره عن سر احضاره ورقه وقلما فاخبره عن رغبته في كتابه اداب المسجد ليتعلم ثم يعلم اصدقاءه قال الرجل احسنت يابني 

وذكر الامام اداب المسجد قائلا ان من اداب المسجد لبس افضل الثياب والتطيب كما لا يجوز المرور امام المصلين وتجنب رفع الصوت كما ذكر العديد من اداب المسجد 

ومع انتهاء الامام من الخطبة كان احمد هو الاخر قد انتهى من كتابه اداب المسجد 

وفي اليوم التالى ذهب احمد الى المدرسة واتفق مع معلم التربية الدينية لنشر هذه الاداب في صحيفة المدرسة وكان المعلم سعيدا بما يفعله احمد الذي حرص ان يعلم زملاءه ما تعلم 

Ahmed and his father went to the mosque for the evening prayer. During the prayer, Ahmed noticed that a child started running and shouting loudly, and another child was passing in front of the worshipers while they were performing the obligatory prayer.

Some of the worshipers, including Ahmed, were upset. He told his father that this behavior was not appropriate for his place, the mosque. His father said, “Indeed, Ahmed, because the mosque is the house of God and a place of worship.”

After the prayer ended, he stood in front of the mosque in front of the worshipers and said to them, “I will devote the next sermon to talking about mosque etiquette.”

Ahmed said, speaking to his father, “I will make sure to be in the mosque tomorrow to listen to the Imam’s sermon, and I will write down the most important things that will be said in it.”

Ahmed went early and took with him a small piece of paper and a pen to record what the imam said. A man who was sitting next to him asked him about the secret of his bringing paper and a pen. He told him about his desire to write down the etiquette of the mosque so that he could learn and then teach his friends. The man said, “Well done, my son.”

The Imam mentioned the etiquette of the mosque, saying that part of the etiquette of the mosque is to wear the best clothes and wear perfume. It is also not permissible to pass in front of the worshipers and to avoid raising one’s voice, as many mosque etiquettes mentioned.

By the time the imam finished the sermon, Ahmed had also finished his book on mosque etiquette

The next day, Ahmed went to school and agreed with the religious education teacher to publish these etiquettes in the school newspaper. The teacher was happy with what Ahmed was doing, and he was keen to teach his colleagues what he had learned.

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