
super baby

قصه عمار واصحابه - قصص هادفه للاطفال سن 3 سنوات - جديد


عمار ولد نشيط يحب الرياضة يختار ويفعل ما يحبه ويراه مناسبا له كما علمته والدته ارتدى عمار ملابسه الرياضيه وخرج ليلعب مع اصحابه فهو يحب لعبه كره القدم كثيرا التقي عمار باصحابه ندى وامنية ومازن 

قال عمار هيا نلعب كرة القدم يامازن قالت ندى كل يوم كرة قدم الا تفكرون في لعبه اخرى نلعبها معا قالت امنية يمكننا ان نلعب بنك الحظ وقالت ندى يمكننا ان نلعب لعبة الاستغماية

قال مازن وماذا عن سباق الجري ؟ نظر الجميع الى بعضهم ولم يتحرك منهم احد فكل واحد منهم يريد ان يلعب لعبته لكنهم يريدون ايضا اللعب معا 

احتار عمار واصحابه كثيرا واخذوا يفكرون في لعبة يلعبونها معا لئلا يحزن احدهم ان الاخرين لم يختاروا لعبته 

صاح عمار لدى فكرة نكتب الالعاب على ورق ثم نسحب الورق الورقة الاولى للعبه الاولى والورقة الثانية للعبه الثانية وهكذا فما رأيكم ؟

اعجب مازن وندى وامنية بالفكرة فهى ترضيهم جميعا - سحب الاولاد وكان الترتيب ان يلعبوا الاستغماية ثم السلم والثعبان ثم كرة القدم ثم سباق الجري مر النهار سريعا والاولاد يلعبون معا وقد استمتعوا فهم يحافظون على مشاعربعضهم 

Ammar is an active boy who loves sports. He chooses and does what he likes and deems appropriate for him, as his mother taught him. Ammar put on his sports clothes and went out to play with his friends. He loves playing football very much. Ammar met his friends Nada, Omnia and Mazen.

Ammar said, “Let’s play football, Mazen.” Nada said, “Every day is football. Don’t you think of another game that we can play together?” Omnia said, “We can play the bank of fortune.” Nada said, “We can play hide and seek.”

Mazen said: What about the running race? Everyone looked at each other and none of them moved. Each one of them wanted to play his own game, but they also wanted to play together

Ammar and his friends were very confused and started thinking about a game to play together so that none of them would be sad that the others did not choose his game.

Ammar shouted, “I have an idea: we write the games on paper, then we draw the first card for the first game, the second card for the second game, and so on. What do you think?”

Mazen, Nada, and Omnia liked the idea, as it satisfied them all. They pulled the children out, and the order was to play hide and seek, then snakes and ladders, then football, then a running race. The day passed quickly and the children were playing together and having fun, as they kept each other’s prices in check.

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