
super baby

قصص هادفة - قصه الهدية مناسبه للاطفال سن 3 سنوات - جديد


انا اسمي مراد عمري اربعه اعوام يمتليء قلبي حبا تجاه اسرتي واقربائي ومن حولي واحبهم كثيرا ولكني لا اعرف كيف اعبر عن حبي لهم 

في يوم من الايام عدت من مدرستي ورايت امي حزينة يبدو عليها التعب حزنت لذلك ولم اعرف ماذا افعل انا احب امي كثيرا فلماذا لا اعبر عن حبي لها فكرت في طريقة اعبر بها 

فاحضرت وردة واهديتها لامي وقلت لها احبك ياامي فابتسمت ابتسامه جميلة وقالت وانا احبك يامراد وجد مراد انه يشعر بالسعادة عندما يعبر عن حبه للاخرين واكتشفت انه شيء سهل وممتع 

ذهبت لزياره جدى فاحببت ان اعبر عن حبي لجدي فقلت له ان استمتع بقضاء الوقت معك ياجدي فابتسم ابتسامه جميلة وقال وانا ايضا استمتع بقضاء الوقت معك يامراد 

فكرت كيف ساعبر عن حبي لاختي فريدة فرسمت قلبا في ورقة ولونته وكتبت بداخله احبك يافريدة واعطيتها الورقة فابتسمت ابتسامه جميلة وقالت وانا احبك يامراد 

بحثت عن ابي لاعبر عن حبي له فوجدته يقرأ فعانقته وقلت له احبك ياابي فابتسم ابتسامه جميلة وقال وانا ايضا احبك يامراد

في اليوم التالي ذهبت الى المدرسة فوجدت عم جمال الحارس واقفا كعادته على باب المدرسة فابتسمت له وقلت له السلام عليكم يااجمل عم جمال فابتسم ابتسامه جميلة وقال يومك جميل يامراد 

My name is Murad. I am four years old. My heart is filled with love for my family, my relatives, and those around me. I love them very much, but I do not know how to express my love for them.

One day I returned from my school and saw my mother sad, looking tired. I was sad about that and did not know what to do. I love my mother very much, so why should I not express my love for her? I thought about a way to express it.

So I brought a rose and gave it to my mother and said to her, “I love you, mother.” She smiled with a beautiful smile and said, “I love you, Murad.” Murad found that he feels happy when he expresses his love for others, and I discovered that it is an easy and enjoyable thing.

I went to visit my grandfather, and I wanted to express my love for my grandfather, so I told him that I enjoy spending time with you, grandfather. He smiled with a beautiful smile and said, “I also enjoy spending time with you, Murad.”

I thought about how I would express my love for my sister Farida, so I drew a heart on a piece of paper, colored it, and wrote inside it, “I love you, Farida.” I gave her the paper and she smiled with a beautiful smile and said, “I love you, Murad.”

I looked for my father to express my love for him, and I found him reading, so I hugged him and said to him, “I love you, Father.” He smiled with a beautiful smile and said, “I love you too, Murad.”

The next day, I went to school and found Uncle Jamal, the guard, standing as usual at the school door. I smiled at him and said to him, “Peace be upon you, the most beautiful uncle Jamal.” He smiled with a beautiful smile and said, “You have a beautiful day, Murad.”

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