
super baby

قصه #شقاوة #ديك - سلسله حيوانات المزرعه 2023


كان الديك دقدق دائم المزاح ويهوى تدبير المقالب لاصدقائه وكان الجميع يضحكون مره من افعاله وكثيرا من المرات يتضايفون من مقالبه 

وفي احد الليالي شعر دقدق بالارق وقرر ان يوقظ الجميع واخذ يصيح فظنت الحيوانات ان الصبح قد اتى فقاموا مسرعين الى اعمالهم وعندما خرجوا من حظائرهم وجدوا ان الليل لم ينته 

ووجدوا الديك يضحك ويقول لهم لقد كانت مزحه نظرت الحيوانات اليه في غضب وحاولوا الامساك به ولكنه اخذ ينتقل من سور الى سور وذهب سامر ليعرف ما يحدث 

فوجد الديك يجري والحيوانات تحاول اللحاق به فامسك به واخبره الا يعود الى مثل هذا الفعل مره اخري وافق دقدق وعيناه تفيضان بالعبث والشقاوة 

وفي احد المرات وجد الديك دقدق بوقا قديما ملقى بجوار احد اسوار المزرعه فتقدم من البوق واخذ يقلد بعض اصوات الحيوانات المفترسة واظهر البوق هذه الاصوات عاليه وبشكل مخيف 

ففزعت الحيوانات واخذت تجري مسرعه لتختبيء وسمع سامر الصوت وتتبع مصدره ووجده الديك يقوم بمقلب جديد فهز رأسه وانصرف بهدوء 

وفي مساء اليوم التالي اثناء  وقوف الديك على احد الاسوار وجد يدا تمسك به بقوة وعندما نظر الى صاحب اليد وجده وجه ذئب ففزع الديك واخذ يصيح باعلى صوت حتى اصبح غير قادر على الصياح وذهبت الحيوانات اليه لمعرفه الامر

وهنا خلع سامر قناع الذئب وقال ما رائيك يادقدق هل المقالب مضحكه ؟ هز راسه في ندم قال سامر له سيعود صوتك مره اخرى يادقدق ولكن ارجو الا تعود معه شقاوتك المفرطه 

The rooster was always joking and loved to play pranks on his friends, and everyone laughed once at his actions, and many times they joined hands from his pranks

One night, Daqdaq felt insomnia and decided to wake everyone up. He started shouting, so the animals thought that the morning had come, so they quickly got up to their work, and when they came out of their pens, they found that the night had not ended.

And they found the rooster laughing and telling them it was a joke. The animals looked at him in anger and tried to catch him, but he moved from wall to wall and Samer went to find out what was happening.

He found the rooster running and the animals trying to catch up with him, so he caught him and told him not to do such an act again. Daqdaq agreed, his eyes overflowing with mischief and misery

On one occasion, the rooster found an old trumpet lying next to one of the farm walls, so he advanced from the trumpet and imitated some of the sounds of predatory animals, and the trumpet showed these sounds loud and frightening

The animals panicked and ran quickly to hide. Samer heard the sound and traced its source. The rooster found him doing a new prank, so he shook his head and left quietly.

And in the evening of the next day, while the rooster was standing on one of the walls, he found a hand holding onto it tightly, and when he looked at the owner of the hand, he found it the face of a wolf.

Here, Samer took off the mask of the wolf and said, "What do you think, dude? Are the pranks funny?" He shook his head in remorse. Samer said to him, "Your voice will come back again, darling," but I hope that your excessive misery will not come back with him.

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