انتهى عم خليل من وضع الطعام لمجموعه الخراف والتى يقوم بتربيتها ثم قام بالاطمئنان على كمية المياه الخاصه بشربهم وزاد عليها قليلا وجلس في ظل شجره وارفه الاغضان والاوراق يستريح تحت ظلها قليلا من عناء العمل فلقد صادفه موسم غير مجزى لبيع الحيوانات
ومع كثرة التزاماته والديوان المتراكمة عليه فضاعف من ساعات العمل كى يتمكن من الوصول بحيواناته الى اوزان كبيرة يمكنه من خلال بيعها تحقيق ارباح معقولة تفي بسداد ديونه والتزاماته المادية وازداد تعب عم خليل
واحس بالمرض يفاجئه ولم يستطع ان يواصل عمله بنفس الكفاءه والنشاط واحس به خروفه المقرب اليه بابل وحزن لمرض صاحبه ففكر كثيرا كيف يرد جميل صاحبه من اعتناءه به وط\عامه وشرابه وكيف يخرج صاحبه من هذه الازمه وبعد تفكير عميق هداه الله سبحانه وتعالى الى فكره عظيمه
فقد قرر ان يذهب هو واصدقائه الى الاسطى خيري مزين الصحة البيطرية والمسئول عن جز صوف الخراف بالمزرعه وطلب منه ان يقوم بجز الصوف له ولاصدقائه الخراف وبيعه لصالح عم خليل كى يتمكن من سداد الاقساط المتأخرة عليه فاحس الاسطى خيري
بانها فرصه كبيرة لكى يعبر لعم خليل عن حبه له وامتنانه فقام على الفور بجز صوف جميع الخرفان وتبرع باجره وقام ببيع الصوف الى تاجر كبير وباعي سعر
ورجع سريعا لعم خليل وفاجاه بمفاجاه لم يكن يتوقعها فسدد ما عليه من ديون واحس انه قد كسب اشياء كثيرة اكبر قيمة من الاموال فاولا قد سدد ما عليه من ديون وثانيا اكتشف حب صديقه الاسطى خيري واخلاصه له ووقوفه بجواره وقت الشدة
ثالثا وفاء الحيوانات لصاحبه وكيف ان هذه الحيوانات صحت بصوفها في شدة البرد من اجل صاحبها مما صعب على عم خليل مهمه بيعها فكيف سيستطيع ان يبيع او يتنازل عن من وقفوا بجواره
فلاحقه صديقه الاسطى خيري بان لكل كائن دور يلعبه في هذه الدينا فيجب عليه الاهتمام ومراعاه حيواناته كى يبيعها بافضل سعر
حتى يستفيد من يشتريها من اصوافها ولحومها وهذا دورها الذي خلقها الله من اجله فقرر الاحتفاظ بصاحب الفكرة وصديقه المخلص الخروف بابل الى ما شاء الله
Uncle Khalil finished preparing the food for the group of sheep that he raises, then he checked on the amount of water for their drinking and added a little more to it. He sat in the shade of his tree, flaunting the branches and leaves, resting under its shade for a bit from the trouble of work, as he encountered an unrewarding season for selling animals
And with the large number of his obligations and the debts accumulated on him, he doubled his working hours in order to be able to reach his animals to large weights, through which he could achieve reasonable profits that would satisfy the payment of his debts and financial obligations.
He felt sickness taking him by surprise, and he was unable to continue his work with the same efficiency and activity. His sheep, who were close to him, felt him in Babylon, and he was saddened by his owner’s illness. He thought a lot about how he would repay his friend’s kindness by taking care of him and his food and drink, and how he would get his owner out of this crisis, and after deep thinking, God Almighty guided him to a great idea.
He and his friends decided to go to the vet, Khairi, the veterinary health decorator and the one responsible for shearing the wool of the sheep at the farm. It is a great opportunity for Uncle Khalil to express his love and gratitude for him, so he immediately sheared the wool of all the sheep, donated his wages, and then sold the wool to a large merchant and seller of the price.
He quickly returned to Khalil's uncle and was surprised by a surprise he did not expect, so he paid off his debts and felt that he had earned many things that were more valuable than money. Thirdly, the loyalty of animals to their owner, and how these animals cried out with their wool in the severe cold for the sake of their owner, which made it difficult for Uncle Khalil to sell them, so how can he sell or give up those who stood next to him?
His friend, Al-Usta Khairi, told him that every creature has a role to play in this world, so he must take care and take care of his animals in order to sell them at the best price. So that whoever buys it can benefit from its wool and meat, and this is its role that God created it for, so he decided to keep the owner of the idea and his loyal friend, the sheep, Babel, for as long as God wills.