
super baby

سلوكي في حكاية - قصص مترجمة - قصة اولى ابتدائي

معاذ طالب متفوق يحب دراسته كثيرا في كل يوم يصحو نشيطا من نومه ويتوضأ ثم يصلى ويستعد للذهاب الى المدرسة انه عامه الدراسي الاول سنه اولى ابتدائي 
معاذ طالب متفوق يحب دراسته كثيرا في كل يوم يصحو نشيطا من نومه ويتوضأ ثم يصلى ويستعد للذهاب الى المدرسة انه عامه الدراسي الاول سنه اولى ابتدائي 

معاذ يحفظ سريعا كل ما يدرسه في المدرسة كل الحروف وكل الارقام انه افضل طالب في سنه اولى ابتدائي 

بدأ معاذ يشعر بالملل لماذا يستمر في سنه اولى لقد فهم كل شيء انه يريد ان ينتقل الى سنه ثانية او ثالثة ابتدائي 

معاذ يفكر ويفكر لماذا لا يحضر في سنه ثانية ابتدائي بدلا من سنه اولى ؟

دخل معاذ ليحضر في سنه ثانية ابتدائي  نبهه المعلم وقال : معاذ انك في سنه اولى هل اخطأت فيالفصل ؟
فرد في ثقه اننى اريد ان احضر مع سنه ثانية 

اندهش المعلم واصر معاذ على الحضور مع سنه ثانية فما كان من المعلم الا ان اصطحبه الى مدير المدرسة 

طلب مدير المدرسة والد معاذ هاتفيا ليحضر ويحاول التفاهم مع معاذ 

اصطحب الاب معاذ معه الى العمل الاب مهندس ورافقه معاذ الى موقع العمل

معاذ يعرف ان والده يشرف على بناء عمارة عاليه واندهش معاذ وهو ينظر حوله وسال والده : اننى لا ارى سوى اعمدة حديدية اين العمارة؟

قال الاب انظر الى هذا العامل انه سيضع اول طوبه في العمارة لو لم يضعها جيدا لما استطاع ان يضع الطوبة الثانية ولا الثالثة 

قال معاذ في تأثر هل تعتقد ان سنه اولى ابتدائي هى اول طوبة فابتسم الاب 

Moaz is an outstanding student who loves to study a lot. Every day he wakes up energetic from his sleep, performs ablution, then prays and prepares to go to school. It is his first academic year, first year of primary school.
Moaz is an outstanding student who loves to study a lot. Every day he wakes up energetic from his sleep, performs ablution, then prays and prepares to go to school. It is his first academic year, first year of primary school.

Moaz quickly memorizes everything he teaches in school, all letters and all numbers. He is the best student in the first year of primary school

Moaz began to feel bored, why does he continue in his first year? He understood everything that he wanted to move to a second or third year of primary school.

Moaz thinks and thinks, why not attend a second year of primary school instead of a first year?

Muadh entered to attend a second year of primary school. The teacher alerted him and said: Muadh, you are in the first year, did you make a mistake in the class?
Someone in confidence that I want to attend with a second year

The teacher was amazed, and Muadh insisted that he attend with a second year, so the teacher took him to the school director

The school director asked Moaz's father on the phone to come and try to reach an understanding with Moaz

The father, Moaz, took him to work, the father was an engineer, and Moaz accompanied him to the work site

Muadh knows that his father is supervising the construction of a high building. Muadh was astonished as he looked around and asked his father: I only see iron columns, where is the building?

The father said look at this worker that he will put the first bricks in the building for

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