
super baby

ايه وحكاية - احلام تامر - قصص من ايات القران الكريم - جديد وحصري

جلس تامر يشاهد التلفاز بعد ان ذهبت والدته لزياره جارتهم المريضة وكان يشاهد احدى قنوات الرياضه وذلك لانه يحب الرياضه كثيرا وكان يتابع بشوق احد الابطال الرياضين اثناء تتويجه بعد فوزه 

وخطفه خياله داخل بالون الاحلام وتخيل نفسه يقف مكان هذا البطل على منصه التتويج والكل يصافحه ويهنئه وتنثر الورود عليه ويرتفع علم بلاده عاليا وهو يقفز من الفرحه والسعادة 

وبينما تامر على هذه الحاله دخلت والدته الغرفه فوجدته جالسا دون حراك شارد الذهن ولم ينتبه لدخولها فاقتربت منه وهزت كتفه قائله ما بك ياتامر انا انادى عليك منذ عودتى وانت لا تجيب 

عاد تامر من رحله شروده وقال اسف ياامي لم انتبه لقدومك قالت الام وما سبب كل ها الشرود قال كنت احلق مع احلام جعلتنى سعيدا ما اجمل ان يكون الانسان بطلا مشهورا 

قالت الام كل منا له احلامه وعليه ان يعمل على تنفيذ هذه الاحلام وترجمتها الى الواقع وعليك ان تمارس الهواية التى تحبها ولاتضيع وقتك في الخيال والاحلام فقط 

قال تامر وكيف ابدا في تنفيذ احلامي هبت الام من مجلسها وامكست يد تامر واتجهت الى مكتبه الجد واشارت اليها وهى تقول انظر ياتامر كيف حول جدك حلمه الصغير الى واقع جميل 

قال تامر كيف استطاع جدي ان يحقق حلمه ويصبح كاتبا مشهورا قالت الام لاحظ الجميع تفوقه في التعبير وشجعه والده على القراءه لتكون لديه حصيله لغوية كبيره وبالفعل بدأ جدك اول خطواته بالقراءه والاطلاع 

واستمر جدك يحاول ويقرا ويتعلم حتى فاز بجائزة القصه التى نظمتها المدرسة كان يحلم مثلك ولكنه لم يكتف بالحلم وانما بالعمل والجهد حوله الى حقيقه كان تامر يستمع وهو يتخيل جده في كل مراحل حياته 

وفي اليوم التالى كان تامر بصحبه والده في النادى استعداد للبدء في تعلم رياضه السباحه وانتظم تامر في تدريباته حتى اشاد به مدربه واشترك في احدى مسابقات السباحه في النادي 

وفي يوم المسابقة كانت سعادى تامر كبيرة لانه ستطاع ان يفوز بالمركز الاول وسلمه المدرب ميدلية الفوز نظر تامر اليها وقال لقد حصدت اليوم اول ثمار عملي وساستمر لاصل الى حلمي 

Tamer sat watching TV after his mother went to visit their sick neighbor, and he was watching a sports channel, because he loves sports a lot, and he was eagerly following one of the sports champions during his coronation after his victory

His imagination kidnapped him inside the dream balloon and imagined himself standing in the place of this hero on his coronation podium and everyone shook hands and congratulated him, roses were scattered on him and the flag of his country rose high as he jumped with joy and happiness

While he was ordering in this state, his mother entered the room and found him sitting motionless, absent-minded, and did not notice her entering, so she approached him and shook his shoulder, saying, “What is wrong with you, commander? I have been calling for you since I came back and you are not answering.”

Tamer came back from his wandering trip and said, "Sorry, mom, I didn't notice your coming." The mother said, "What is the cause of all this wandering?" He said, "I was flying with dreams that made me happy.

The mother said, “Everyone has dreams, and he has to work on implementing these dreams and translating them into reality.

Tamer said, and how do I start implementing my dreams? The mother blew from her council and grabbed Tamer's hand and went to his grandfather's office and pointed at her and said, "Look, Tamer, how did your grandfather turn his little dream into a beautiful reality?"

Tamer said how my grandfather was able to achieve his dream and become a famous writer.

Your grandfather kept trying, reading and learning until he won the prize for the story organized by the school. He dreamed like you, but he was not satisfied with the dream, but with the work and effort that turned it into reality. Tamer was listening as he imagined his grandfather in all stages of his life.

On the next day, Tamer was accompanied by his father in the club, ready to start learning the sport of swimming. Tamer organized his training until his coach praised him and participated in one of the swimming competitions in the club.

On the day of the competition, Saadi Tamer was great because he managed to win the first place and the coach handed him the winning medal. Tamer looked at her and said, “Today I reaped the first fruits of my work and I will continue to reach my dream.”

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