كانت الارنبة نعناعه تعيش مع مجموعة من الارانب في سلام وامان وكانوا كل يوم يخرجون من جحورهم يلعبون ويمرحون في سرور وسعادة
ذات يوم جاء اثنان من الثعالب وسكنا في منطقة قريبة من منطقة الارانب وبدأ الثعلبان يهاجمان كل ارنب يخرج من حجره بالنهار او بالليل
خافت الارانب على نفسها فامتنعت عن الخروج من جحورها وكفت عن اللعب والمرح والجري وغابت الفرحة والسعادة عنهم وسيطر الحزن الشديد عليهم
فكرت نعناعه في حل لهذه المشكلة فتوصلت الى فكره رائعه فعرضتها على الارانب فوافقوا عليها وبدوؤوا يعدون لتنفيذها
في الصباح سارات الارنبة الصغيرة نعناعه في حذر ناحية بيت الثعلبين فوجدت احدهما جالسا وحده خارج البيت فبدأت تستفزه وتغضبه
قالت نعناعه للثعلب لقد اصبحت سمينا وعجوزا وبطيء الحركة ولم تعد كسابق عهدك فاغتاظ الثعلب غيظا شديدا من كلام نعناعه
وقف الثعلب وهو يقول : سوف ترى ايتها الارنبة الصغيرة ان كنت استطيع ان امسك بك والتهمك ام لا وبدأ الثعلب يجرى ناحية نعناعه
لم تنتظر نعناعه لحظة واحدة، بل اسرعت تجرى امام الثعلب بسرعه فائقه حتى لا يستطيع اللحاق بها واسرع الثعلب يجري خلفها
ظلت نعناعه تجرى والثعلب يجري خلفها حتى رأت نعناعه امامها فتحة نفق فدخلت فيها وكان هذا النفق قد اعدته الاراتب من قبل
ظن التعلب ان هذه فتحة جحر كبير فدخل خلف نعناعه وهو يمنى نفسه باكلها وما ان دخل حتى جاءت مجموعة من الارانب وسدت الفتحة بالتراب
كان للنفق فتحة من الناحية الاخرى فخرجت منها نعناعه وقبل ان يصل اليها الثعلب قامت مجموعة اخرى من الارانب بسدها بالتراب
اختنق الثعلب داخل النفق المسدود من الناحيتين وفرحت الارانب ثم قالت نعناعه عندى فكرة اخرى للتخلص من الثعلب الثاني سانفذها غدا ان شاء الله
في اليوم الثاني ذهبت نعناعه الى بيت الثعلبين فوجدت الثعلب الثاني جالسا امام البيت فراحت تستفزه وتغضبه كما فعلت مع الثعلب الاول
جرى الثعلب الثاني وراء نعناعه التى كانت تعلم مكان بيت الكلاب فجرت نحوه حتى وصلت اليه فوجد الثعلب نفسه وسط الكلاب دون ان يدرى
هجمت الكلاب على الثعلب ومزقوه ففرحت الارانب وعاد لها الامن والامان وراحت تلعب وتمرح في فرح وسعادة كما كانت تفعل من قبل
It is said that The bunny rabbits lived with a group of rabbits in peace and safety, and every day they came out of their holes, playing and having fun in happiness and happiness
One day two of the foxes came and lived in an area close to the rabbits area and the foxes started attacking every rabbit that came out of his room during the day or at night.
The rabbits feared for themselves, so they refrained from leaving their holes, stopped playing, fun and running, and the joy and happiness were absent from them, and intense sadness took hold of them.
I thought about his mourning for a solution to this problem and came up with a wonderful idea, so I presented it to the rabbits, and they agreed to it, and they were preparing to implement it.
In the morning the little girl walked his mourning cautiously towards the house of the foxes, and found one of them sitting alone outside the house, so she began to provoke and anger him
She said his mourning to the fox, you have become fat, old and slow-moving, and you are no longer like you used to, so the fox was very angry at his mourning words
The fox stood up and said: You will see, little bunny, whether I can catch you and devour you or not, and the fox started running towards his lamentation.
His mourning did not wait for a single moment, but rather she ran in front of the fox very quickly so that he could not catch up with her, and the faster the fox ran after her.
His sheep was running and the fox was running behind her, until she saw his sheep in front of her a tunnel hole, so she entered into it, and this tunnel had been set by the salary before
Al-Taalb thought that this was a large hole for a burrow, so he entered behind his goat while he was righting himself to eat it, and as soon as he entered, a group of rabbits came and blocked the hole with dirt
The tunnel had an opening on the other side, so his sheep came out, and before the fox reached it, another group of rabbits blocked it with dirt.
The fox suffocated inside the blocked tunnel from both sides and the rabbits were happy, then she said, his mourning, I have another idea to get rid of the second fox, which I will implement tomorrow, God willing On the second day, his mourning went to the fox's house, and I found the second fox sitting in front of the house, so she started to provoke him and anger him, as she did with the first fox
The second fox ran after his sheepdog, who knew the location of the dog house, and blew towards it until she reached it, and the fox found itself among the dogs without knowing it. The dogs attacked the fox and tore it up, so the rabbits rejoiced, and the safety and security returned to them, and they started playing and frolicking with joy and happiness as they did before
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