في مملكة النمل كان مناع وفزاع صغيرين وكان صديقين حميين يحبان بعضهما ويلعبان معا ولا يفترقان ابدا الا عند النوم
كبر مناع وفزاع وطلبت منهما ملكة النمل ان يخرجا ليبحثا عن الطعام فسالها مناع: وما نوعية الطعام؟ فقالت: قطعة سكر او خبز او لحم او ما شابه ذلك
نصحت الملكة مناعا وفزاعا ان بحث كل واحد منهما في جهة مختلفة فقال فزاع ولماذا ؟ اليس من الفضل الا نفترق وان نبحث عن الطعام معا
وقال مناع ارى ان كلام فزاع سليم حتى اذا وجدنا طعاما في طريقنا بقيت انا بجواره ورجع فزاع اليكم ليخبركم بمكانه فتأتوا وتحملوه معنا الى مخازن الطعام بالمملكة
قالت المملكة : ان الله جعل في النمل خاصية افراز رائحة تدل على مكان الطعام فاذا وجد احدكم طعاما افرز تلك الراحة على طول الطريق فنهتدى اليه
اقتنع فزاع ومناع بكلام الملكة ، وسار كل واحد منهما في جهة يبحث عن طعام وبعد مرور ساعة تقريبا وجد فزاع قطعة سكر فاقترب منها وذاق طعمها
وجد فزاع ان طعم قطعة السكر لذيذ وجميل جدا ففرح وايقن ان هذا السكر سيعجب الملكة وسيعجب النمل كله فبدا في محاولة جر السكر الى المملكة
ظل فزاع يحاول ان يجر قطعة السكر فلم يستطع ان يجرها وحده ، لانها كانت كبيرة فقرر ان يعود ليخبر النمل بالامر وافرز على طول الطري رائحه ليهتدوا اليها
اخبر فزاع النمل بالامر فذهبت مجموعة كبيرة خلفة حتى وصلوا الى قطعة السكر الصغيرة وبدؤوا يجرونها حتى ادخلوها مخازن الطعام الموجودة في بيوتهم
اما مناع فاثناء سيره وجد في الطريق قطرة عسل كبيرة، فاقترب منها وتذوقها فوجد طعمها جميلا جدا فاخذ يرتشف من العسل رشفة وراء الاخرى
ثم تذكر مناع انه لابد ان يعود سريعا الى مملكة النمل ليخبرهم بالامر كى يأتوا لياكلوا معه من العسل او يأخذوه الى باقي النمل او يدخروه في مخازن الطعام
افرز مناع رائحه بجوار العسل ثم مشى قليلا ولكنه لم يستطع ان ينسى طعم قطرة العسل فتوقف ثم سرعان ما رجع للعسل مرة اخرى
اخذ مناع يرتشف من قطرة العسل بل لم يكتفى بان يشرب وهو واقف على حافه القطرة وانما دخل الى وسطها وظل يشرب ويشرب حتى شبع وامتلأ بطنه بالعسل
بعد ان شبع مناع من العسل حاول الخروج ولكن اقدامه الضعيفة غاصت في قطرة العسل فلم يستطع الخروج فغرق في العسل ومات
بعد مرور ساعات طويلة قلق النمل على مناع فخرجوا يبحثون عنه فوجدوه غرقان وسط قطرة العسل فعلموا ان طمعه اهلكه وكان في هذا عبرة ودرس كبير لهم
It is said that In the ant kingdom, Manna and Fazaa were young, and they were close friends who loved each other and played together and never separated except when sleeping
Mannaa and Fazza grew up, and the ant queen asked them to go out to search for food, so Manna asked her: What is the quality of the food? She said: A piece of sugar, bread, meat, or the like The Queen advised Manna and Fazaa to discuss each of them in a different direction, so he said Fazaa, and why? Isn't it better for us not to part and look for food together Manna said, I see that Fazza’s words ar
e sound, so that if we found food on our way, I would remain next to him and he came back. The kingdom said: God has made in the ants the characteristic of secreting a scent that indicates the location of the food. So if one of you finds food, he excretes that rest along the way, and we are guided to him.
Fazza and Manna were convinced of the Queen's words, and each of them walked to the side looking for food, and after about an hour had passed, Fazaa found a piece of sugar, so he approached her and tasted its taste.
Fazza found that the taste of a piece of sugar was delicious and very beautiful, so Farah was certain that this sugar would admire the queen and all the ants would admire, so he began trying to drag sugar into the kingdom
Fazza kept trying to drag the piece of sugar, but he was not able to drag it on his own, because it was big, so he decided to go back to tell the ants about the matter and scent along the road the scent to guide it.
Fazza told the ants about it, and a large group went backwards until they reached the small piece of sugar and started dragging it until they entered the food stores in their homes
As for Manna, while he was walking, he found a large honey drop on the road, so he approached it and tasted it and found it tasted very nice, so he took a sip of honey after another.
Then Manaa remembered that he must return quickly to the ants' kingdom to tell them about the matter in order to come to eat honey with him or take it to the rest of the ants or store it in food stores
He secreted a smelling manna next to the honey, then he walked for a while, but he could not forget the taste of the honey drop, so he stopped and then quickly returned to the honey again Manna took a sip from a drop of honey, but he was not satisfied with drinking while standing on the edge of the drop, but rather he entered the middle of it and kept drinking and drinking until he was satisfied, and his stomach was filled with honey
After he was full of honey, he tried to get out, but his weak feet sank in a drop of honey, so he could not get out, so he drowned in honey and died
After many hours had passed, the ants worried about Manna, so they went out looking for him, and found him drowned in the midst of a drop of honey, so they knew that his greed destroyed him, and this was a great lesson for them.
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