قصص اطفال قبل النوم - قصة اقتراح خطير
قصة اقتراح خطير
يحكى ان
ذهبت الام لتزور اختها بعد ان اتفقتا على الموعد عن طريق الهاتف التليفون واخذت معها ابنها طارق ليزور ابن خالته صالح الذي في مثل سنه
لان الله يعطى ثوابا كبيرا مكافأة على صلة الرحم ، عندما وصل طارق وامه الى منزل خالته، طرق الباب بشدة وبطريقة مزعجة وهذا اغضب الام
فتح صالح الباب وسلم على خالته وصديقه رحبت الخالة بأختها وابنها وفرحت بزيارتهما كثيرا
جلست الاختان والصديقان يتحدثان واقترحت ام طارق ان تذهب الاسرتان يوم الاجازة لزيارة القلعة
ووافق الجميع بدأ طارق يترك مكانه ويبعث يلعب بفاظة الورد وازرار التلفاز وصالح يحاول منعه والامان متضايقتان
عاد صالح الى مكانه وجلس يقرأ في احدى المجلات واحضرت امه الشاى ووضعته على المنضده
لكن عند رجوع طارق مندفعا الى الخلف اصطدم بالمنضدة فوقع الشاى على السجادة وكسرت جميع الاكواب
اغتاظت الخالة واحرجت الام من تصرفات طارق وقامت بضربه نام طارق على الارض واخذ يبكى ويضرب الارض بقدميه
ويرفع صوته ويردد الفاظا سيئه قررت الاسرتان حرمان طارق من الذهاب معهما للقلعة
تركت الاسرة طارق يبكى ولم تلتفت اليه ، وبعد ان انتهى من غضبه حاول صالح ان يفهمه انه كان مخطئا في تصرفاته
ولن يذهب معهم الى القلعة بدأ طارق يفيق وشعر بانه اخطأ وذهب طارق فغسل وجهه، واتى ليعتذر لامه وخالته التى قالت له: لن اسامحك حتى تعرفنى خطأك
قال طارق وهو خجلان : دفعت باب المنزل بقدمى وجلست العب في الورد والتلفاز دون استئذان
ورفعت صوتى بالفاظ سيئة قالت الام: سنسامحك هذه المرة على الا تعود التزم طارق بكلامه ولم يكرر الخطأ
فسامحته الاسرتان وذهب هو وصالح معهما للقلعة وقضوا يوما جميلا
It is said that
The mother went to visit her sister after they had agreed on the date by phone. The phone took her son Tariq with her to visit his cousin Saleh, who was the same age.
Because God gives great rewards as a reward for the ties of kinship, when Tariq and his mother arrived at his aunt's house, he knocked on the door severely and in a disturbing way, and this angered the mother
Salih opened the door and greeted his aunt and friend. The aunt welcomed her sister and son and was very happy to visit them
The two sisters and two friends sat talking, and Umm Tariq suggested that the two families go on vacation to visit the castle
And everyone agreed. Tariq began to leave his place and sends playing with the roses and the buttons on the television, and Saleh tries to prevent him, and the safety is upset.
Saleh returned to his place and sat reading in a magazine, and his mother brought tea and put it on the table.
But when Tariq was pushed back, he hit the table and tea fell on the carpet and broke all the cups.
The aunt was upset and embarrassed the mother from Tariq's behavior and hit him. Tariq slept on the ground and started crying and hit the ground with his feet
He raises his voice and repeats bad words. The two families decided to prevent Tariq from going with them to the castle
The family left Tariq crying and did not pay any attention to him, and after he finished his anger, Saleh tried to understand that he was wrong in his behavior
And he will not go with them to the castle. Tariq began to wake up and felt that he had made a mistake. Tariq went and washed his face, and came to apologize to his mother and his aunt who said to him: I will not forgive you until you know your mistake
Tariq said while he was ashamed: I pushed the door of the house with my feet and sat playing in flowers and television without asking permission
I raised my voice with bad words. The mother said: We will forgive you this time, so long as Tariq stuck to his words and did not repeat the mistake.
The two families forgave him, and he and reconciled with them went to the castle and spent a beautiful day
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