
super baby

قصص اطفال قبل النوم The story of a hedgehog under the exercise قصة قنفد تحت التمرين

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قصة قنفد تحت التمرين 

أنا القنفد الصغير ، أحب اللعب والقفز والطعام الوفير ، احب عائلتي واصدقائي واحب جيراني ، واحب منزلنا الجميل واحب الغابة فهى بيتى الكبير ، في احد الايام اراد ابي ان يدربني انا واخواتي على فنون الدفاع عن النفس عند حدوث عدوان علينا من الاخرين 

بدأ ابي بتدريب اخوتى الاكبر عمرا منى فلقد كنت انا الصغير قاطعت ابي وقلت له علمني كيف اصطاد الفرائس فأنا جائع قال ابي : اصبر ايها الصغير فهذا وقت التمرين ، ان التدريب على الدفاع عن النفس اهم الان من التفكير في الطعام وعاد ابي الى تدريب اخوتى وتركني اشاهد من بعيد 

ظللت اقفز واصرخ واقول انا جائع اريد ان اصطاد فريسة قال ابي : تدرب معنا فربما تصير انت نفسك فريسة بعد قليل ، قلت انا لا اخاف انا شجاع وصيتي ذائع 

قال ابي : انت احمق مغرور وبدون التعليم فأنت هالك وضائع فاهدأ واستمع الى الشرح والنصائح 

دربني ابي وقال : اذا شعرت بالخطر فاقفز في الهواء وتكور على نفسك في حذر لتصبح كرة من الشوك الذي لا ينازع ، لم احب ان استمع وقلت ، لا تخف ياابي فأنا شجاع لا انهزم ومن يعتدى على فسوف يشعر بالندم ويضيع في العدم ، ثم قفزت حتى ابتعدت واختفيت عن الانظار 

وسط الحشائش والاحجار ، رأيت عقربا على بعد عدة امتار ورأيت عناكب كثيرة بين فروع الاشجار ، انا جائع ولكنني لم اهاجم العقرب والعناكب لان ابي لم يدربني كيف اصطادها ولكنني تناولت بعض الثمار ، سمعت صوت ابي يناديني ولكنني اسرعت بالقفز والفرار 

وصلت الى مكان متسع بالاشجار ، شعرت بالحرية واخذت اقفز هنا وهناك وبعد لحظات شعرت باقتران الهلاك وشعرت بخطر كبير يقترب ، انه قطيع من النمور ، انا خائف ولا ادري ماذا افعل ، لا يوجد مكان للاختباء ، انهم يقتربون منى ، يحاصرونني ،سوف يلتهمونني 

فجأة تذكرت كلمات ابي الحنون فقفزت في الهواء حتى صرت كرة من الشوك المسنون اقترب منى احد النمور فامتلأ وجهه بالشوك الكثير وصاح كبيرهم لن تفلت ايها اللعين واندفع نحوى في غضب فأصابه الشوك في فمه الكبير واسرعت بالفرار الى منزلي 

اجتمعت حولى العائلة وضمدوا جراحي واحضروا لى طعامي وقالت امى انها غير راضية عن هروبي من التدريب وعصياني لاوامر ابي ، وقال ابي : انظروا ياابنائي ان اخيكم الصغير لم يستمع الى نصيحة الكبير ورفض التعليم ولذلك فقد وقع في مأزق عظيم ولولا انه تذكر تلك الكلمات لكان قد مات فاحرصوا ياابنائي على التدريب والتعليم لتعيشوا في سلام 

New children's stories

The story of a hedgehog under the exercise

I am a little hedgehog, I love playing, jumping and plentiful food, I love my family and my friends and I love my neighbors, I love our beautiful house and I love the forest because it is my big house, one day my father wanted to train me and my sisters in martial arts when there is an aggression against us from others

My father started training my older brothers from me. I was the youngest boycotting my father and I told him, teach me how to catch prey because I am hungry. My father said: Be patient, little one, this is the time for exercise. The training for self-defense is more important now than thinking about food. My father returned to training my brothers and let me watch far away

I kept jumping and screaming and saying I am hungry. I want to hunt prey. My father said: Train with us, so maybe you yourself will become prey after a while. I said I am not afraid. I am brave and my will is popular

My father said: You are a conceited idiot and without education, you are lost, so calm down and listen to the explanation and advice

My father trained me and said: If you feel in danger, jump in the air and roll on yourself in caution to become a ball of thorns that cannot be contested. I did not like to listen and I said, Do not be afraid, my father, for I am brave, not defeated, and whoever attacks me will feel remorse and get lost in nothingness, then I jumped until I moved away And she disappeared from view

Amidst the grass and stones, I saw a scorpion a few meters away and I saw many spiders between the branches of trees, I am hungry, but I did not attack the scorpion and the spiders because my father did not train me how to hunt them, but I ate some fruits, I heard my father's voice calling me, but I quickly jumped and ran

I reached a large place with trees, I felt free and started to jump here and there, and after moments I felt the conjunction of doom and felt a great danger approaching, it is a flock of tigers, I am afraid and I do not know what to do, there is no place to hide, they approach me, they surround me, they will devour me

Suddenly I remembered my father's affectionate words, so I jumped into the air until I became a ball of old thorns. One of the tigers approached me and his face was filled with many thorns.

The family gathered around me, bandaged my wounds, and brought me my food, and my mother said that she was not satisfied with my running away from training and my disobedience to my father's orders, and my father said: Look, my children, that your little brother did not listen to the advice of the elder and refused to teach, so he was in a great dilemma, and if he had not remembered those words, he would have died. My sons, make sure to train and teach to live in peace

I am a little hedgehog, I love playing, jumping and plentiful food, I love my family and my friends and I love my neighbors, I love our beautiful house and I love the forest because it is my big house, one day my father wanted to train me and my sisters in martial arts when there is an aggression against us from others

My father started training my older brothers from me. I was the youngest boycotting my father and I told him, teach me how to catch prey because I am hungry. My father said: Be patient, little one, this is the time for exercise. The training for self-defense is more important now than thinking about food. My father returned to training my brothers and let me watch far away

I kept jumping and screaming and saying I am hungry. I want to hunt prey. My father said: Train with us, so maybe you yourself will become prey after a while. I said I am not afraid. I am brave and my will is popular

My father said: You are a conceited idiot and without education, you are lost, so calm down and listen to the explanation and advice

My father trained me and said: If you feel in danger, jump in the air and roll on yourself in caution to become a ball of thorns that cannot be contested. I did not like to listen and I said, Do not be afraid, my father, for I am brave, not defeated, and whoever attacks me will feel remorse and get lost in nothingness, then I jumped until I moved away And she disappeared from view

Amidst the grass and stones, I saw a scorpion a few meters away and I saw many spiders between the branches of trees, I am hungry, but I did not attack the scorpion and the spiders because my father did not train me how to hunt them, but I ate some fruits, I heard my father's voice calling me, but I quickly jumped and ran

I reached a large place with trees, I felt free and started to jump here and there, and after moments I felt the conjunction of doom and felt a great danger approaching, it is a flock of tigers, I am afraid and I do not know what to do, there is no place to hide, they approach me, they surround me, they will devour me

Suddenly I remembered my father's affectionate words, so I jumped into the air until I became a ball of old thorns. One of the tigers approached me and his face was filled with many thorns.

The family gathered around me, bandaged my wounds, and brought me my food, and my mother said that she was not satisfied with my running away from training and my disobedience to my father's orders, and my father said: Look, my children, that your little brother did not listen to the advice of the elder and refused to teach, so he was in a great dilemma, and if he had not remembered those words, he would have died. My sons, make sure to train and teach to live in peace 

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