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قصة الامير حسين والاميرة مرجانه The story of Prince Hussein and Princess Morgana - قصص طفال قبل النوم

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قصة الامير حسين والاميرة مرجانه


في قديم الزمان وسالف العصر والأوان ، عاش الملك خازار ، ومعه ابنه حسين وكان شابا وسيما ، ولكن ولسبب مجهول لم يكن راغبا في الزواج : فغضب منه الملك ونفاه خارج المملكة في قديم الزمان وسالف العصر والاوان 

في الوقت نفسه كان في المملكة المجاورة ملك اسمه داود وكان له ابنه اسمها مرجانه وكذلك لم تكن راغبة في الزواج غير ان بعض الجنيات الطيبات كن يراقبن الامير والاميرة منذ حين ، ثم قررن :" لنجمعهما معا" 

وفي احدى الليالي وبينما كانت الاميرة نائمه حملنها الى القصر الذي نفي اليه الامير ووضعنها بجانبه وهو نائم وعندما استيقظ دهش لرؤيتها وقال في نفسه : انها ذات جمال ساحر وان فتاة بهذا الجمال يجب ان تكون زوجتي وعاد الى النوم 

بعد قليل استيقظت الاميرة فتعجبت وقالت : اين انا ؟ كيف وصلت الى هنا ؟ ولما رأت الامير ينام بجانبها ، قالت في نفسها : لا احد سوى هذا الشاب الوسيم يجب ان يكون زوجي ، وعادت الى النوم وقبل ان يحل الفجر حلمت الجنيات الاميرة واعدنها الى قصرها بأمان 

في الصباح ولما استيقظ الامير والاميرة لم يتمكنا من نسيان بعضهما وقال الامير حسين لابيه : ابي! اريد الزواج من العذراء التى رأيت بالامس : وفي المملكة المجاورة اخبرت الاميرة مرجانه اباها بكل ما حدث ولكنه لم يصدق كلامها 

وقال الملك داود في نفسه : يبدو ان ابنتى قد فقدت عقلها واستدعى افضل الاطباء في المملكة ولكن لم يستطع احد ان يبرأها من مرضها فأعلن عن جائزة قيمة للذي يستطيع ان يشفيها وما ان سمعت الجنيات بالامر ، حتى طرن الى الامير حسين واخبرنه بكل شيء 

قالت الجنية: اذهب بسرعه ايها الامير فانت وحدك يمكنك ان تشفيها مما هى فيه ، وذهب الامير الى الملك داود وقال : يمكنني ان اعالج الاميرة ولكن بشرط واحد فرد عليه الملك : انا مستعد لتحقيق اى شرط ، فقال الامير : اذا تزوجني ابنتك ، وكان على الملك ان يوافق 

اصطحب الملك الامير الى حجرة الاميرة وما ان رأته حتى قفزت فرحا بعد حين جاء الملك خازار ووافق على عودة ابنه الى مملكته ثم تزوج الامير حسين من الاميرة مرجانه في حفل ضخم وعاشا معا بسعادة وهناء 

One Thousand and One Nights
The story of Prince Hussein and Princess Morgana

In ancient times and earlier times, King Khazar lived with him, and with him his son Hussein, and he was young and handsome, but for an unknown reason he did not want to marry: the king was angry with him and banished him outside the kingdom in the old days and earlier times.

At the same time there was in the neighboring kingdom a king named David and he had a son named Marjana. She was also not willing to marry, except that some good fairies had been watching the prince and princess for a while, and then they decided: "Let's bring them together."

One night, while the princess was sleeping, he carried her to the palace to which the prince was exiled and put her next to him while he was asleep, and when he woke up, he was astonished to see her and said to himself: She is of a magical beauty and that a girl with this beauty should be my wife and he went back to sleep

Shortly after, the princess woke up astonished and said: Where am I? How did I get here ? And when she saw the prince sleeping next to her, she said to herself: No one but this handsome young man should be my husband, and she went back to sleep and before dawn fell, the princess dreamed of the fairies and brought them back to her palace safely

In the morning, when the prince and princess woke up, they could not forget each other, and Prince Hussein said to his father: Father! I want to marry the Virgin I saw yesterday: In the neighboring kingdom, Princess Marjana told her father about everything that happened, but he did not believe her words

King David said to himself: It seems that my daughter has lost her mind and called the best doctors in the kingdom, but no one was able to cure her of her illness, so he announced a valuable prize for the one who could heal her.

The genie said: Go quickly, Prince, you alone can heal her from what she is in, and the prince went to King David and said: I can treat the princess, but on one condition, the king replied: I am ready to fulfill any condition, then the prince said: If your daughter marries me, the king To agree

The king escorted the prince to the princess’s room, and as soon as she saw him, she jumped for joy after a while King Khazar came and agreed to return his son to his kingdom. Then Prince Hussein married Princess Marjana in a huge ceremony and they lived together happily and happily

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