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قصة سيدنا موسي عليه السلام The story of Moses, peace be upon him - قصص الانبياء للاطفال - قصص اطفال قبل النوم

قصص الانبياء 

قصة سيدنا موسي عليه السلام 

رأى فرعون حاكم مصر في المنام رؤيا أفزعته ولما حكاها للكهنة اخبروه انه سوف يولد في بنى اسرائيل ولد يكون سببا في زوال ملكه 

فأمر فرعون بقتل كل مولود ذكر في بني اسرائيل ، فخافت ام موسى عليه فناجت ربها ماذا افعل ؟

فأوحى الله اليها ان تشعه في صندوق وتلقي به في النهر ، ففعلت فأخذه الموج الى ابواب قصر الفرعون 

رأته جاريات إمرأة فرعون فحملنه اليها فلما رأته احبته حبا شديدا وتوسلت لزوجها الا يقتله فأجاب رغبتها 

وكانت أخته تراقب الموقف لتطمئن امها عليه فلما رأته يرفض الرضاعة من كل المرضعات اخبرتهم ان هناك إمراة يمكن ان ترضعه فلما حضرت ام موسى وارضعته رضع موسى منها فاطمأن قلبها وشكرت ربها 

نشأ موسى في قصر فرعون حتى لقب بابن الفرعون ، وذات مرة وجد موسى رجلين يقتتلان واحد من بنى اسرائيل والاخر من الاقباط المصريين فاستغاث به الاسرائيلي

فوكز موسى القبطي بيده يريد ان يبعده لكنه مات فحزن موسى حزنا شديدا واستغفر به ، وفي اليوم التالى استغاث به نفس الرجل الاسرائيلي لينصره على اخر قبطي فقال له موسى انك لكثير الغواية 

فظن الاسرائيلي ان موسى يريد قتله فقال له : اتريد ان تقتلني كما قتلت نفسا بالامس فعرف الناس ان موسى هو الذي قتل القبطي 

فاخبروا فرعون بذلك فامر فرعون باحضار موسى وقتله ، ذهب رجل طيب لموسى واخبره ان القوم يريدون قتله فهرب موسى الى مدين 

وهناك مكث يستريح في الظل فرأى امرأتين يبعدان الغنم عن المياه فذهب اليهما وقال ما خطبكما ؟

فقالتا لا نسقى حتى يسقي الرعاه فسقي لهما ، عادت الاختان الى بيتهما واخبرتا الاب بما حدث 

فأمر احداهما ان تذهب وتدعوه ليشكره على ما فعل فحضر سيدنا موسى عليه السلام  فعرض الاب على سيدنا موسى ان يزوجه احدى ابنتيه على ان يعمل عنده لرعاية الغنم لمدة ثمانية او عشرة اعوام كما يشاء موسى 

فوافق ومرت الاعوام واتم موسى عليه السلام العشر اعوام وحن الى داره واهله فاخذ زوجته واتجه نحو مصر وبينما هو سائر ابصر نارا فامر زوجته ان تنظر حتى تذهب ويأتى بضياء او يبحث عن الطريق 

فلما قرب من النار ناداه الله واوحى اليه بأنه اختاره رسولا لبني اسرائيل ، طلب موسى من الله ان يتخذ اخيه هارون عونا له فهو افصح لسانا 

وذهب موسى عليه السلام الى فرعون ودعاه الى عباده الله والا يعذب بنى اسرائيل وايده الله بمعجزات ليثبت نبوته 

فادخل يده في جيبه واخرجها فصارت بيضاء والقي عصاه فاذا هى ثعبان 

لكن فرعون استكبر ورفض دعوة موسى وطال الحوار واتفقا على ان يجتمع موسى مع السحرة يوم الزينة 

وجمع فرعون كبار السحرة وفي باديء الامر ظن السحرة ان موسى ساحر فقالوا نلقي ام تلقي فقال موسى بل القوا انتم فألقوا حبالهم فرآها الناظرون ثعابين تسعى فألقي موسى 

عصاه فإذا هى حية كبيرة تأكل ما صنعه السحرة فىمن السحرة بموسى فورا لعلمهم بأن موسى غير ساحر بل نبي صاحب معجزة فقتل فرعون السحرة 

واستكبر ورفض دعوه موسى واعلن انه هو الاله الذي يجب ان يعبد فانزل الله انواعا مختلفة من العذاب بفرعون وقومه لكى يؤمنوا 

لكنهم لم يؤمنوا فاوحى الله الى موسى ان يأخذ بنى اسرائيل ويخرج من مصر، سار موسى ببني اسرائيل فعلم فرعون بخروجهم فخرج هو وجنوده للحاق بهم 

وصل موسى وبنى اسرائيل تجاه البحر فألحق بهم فرعون فقال بنو اسرائيل ان فرعون ممسك بنا لا محالة فقال موسى كلا ان معى ربي سيهدين 

فاوحى الله الى موسى ان يضرب بعصاه البحر ففعل فانشق البحر وظهرت اليابسة فسار موسى وبنى اسرائيل 

فرأى فرعون هذه المعجزة ولم يعتبر بل تمادى في عناده ونزل الى اليابسة هو وجنوده فعاد البحر كما هو واغرق فرعون وجنوده ونجى الله موسى وبنى اسرائيل من فرعون وجنوده 

prophets' stories
The story of Moses, peace be upon him

Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, saw in a dream a vision that terrified him, and when he told it to the priests, they told him that he would be born among the children of Israel, a son who would be the reason for the demise of his property.

So, Pharaoh ordered the killing of every male child among the children of Israel, and Moses’s mother feared him, and her Lord escaped. What should I do?

So God inspired her to shine it in a box and throw it in the river, so she did and the wave took him to the doors of the Pharaoh's Palace

The female servants of Pharaoh saw him, so they carried him to her. When she saw him, she loved him very lovingly, and she begged her husband not to kill him, and he answered her wish.

His sister was watching the situation to check on her mother, and when she saw him refusing to breastfeed from all breastfeeding women, she told them that there was a woman who could breastfeed him.

Moses grew up in the Pharaoh's Palace until he was called the son of the Pharaoh, and once Moses found two men killing one of the sons of Israel and the other of the Egyptian Copts, the Israel sought help

Musa the Coptic defeated his hand wanting to keep him away, but he died, and Moses was deeply saddened by his forgiveness, and the next day the same Israeli man sought help from him to help him over the last Coptic, so Moses said to him that you are very tempted

The Israeli thought that Musa wanted to kill him, so he said to him: Do you want to kill me as you killed a person yesterday, so people knew that Musa was the one who killed the Coptic

So they told Pharaoh that he ordered Pharaoh to bring Moses and kill him. A good man went to Moses and told him that the people wanted to kill him, and Moses fled to Median

There he stayed resting in the shadows, and he saw two women keep the sheep away from the water, so he went to them and said, "What's wrong with you?"

And they said, We shall not be watered until the shepherds watered and watered for them. The two sisters returned to their home and told the father what had happened.

So he ordered one of them to go and invite him to thank him for what he did. So our master Moses, peace be upon him, came, so the father offered our master Moses to marry one of his two daughters to work with him to care for the sheep for eight or ten years as Moses will

He agreed, and the years passed, and Musa, peace be upon him, completed the ten years and he yearned for his home and his family, so he took his wife and headed towards Egypt.

When he came close to the fire, God called him and revealed to him that he had chosen him as a messenger for the children of Israel. Moses asked God to take his brother Aaron as a help to him, for he had revealed the tongue

And Moses, peace be upon him, went to Pharaoh and invited him to his servants, God, and not to torture the children of Israel, and God supported him with miracles, to prove his prophethood.

And he put his hand in his pocket and put it out, and it became white, and he threw his stick, and so it was a snake

However, Pharaoh became arrogant and refused the invitation of Moses, prolonged the dialogue, and agreed that Moses would meet magicians on the day of adornment

And Pharaoh gathered together the great magicians, and at first, the magicians thought that Moses was a magician.

His staff, if it is a large serpent, eats what the magicians did. Then, from the magicians in Moses, immediately because they knew that Moses was not a witch, but a prophet who had a miracle.

He was arrogant and rejected his call to Moses and declared that he is the God who should be worshiped. So God sent down various kinds of torment with Pharaoh and his people in order to believe

But they did not believe, so God inspired Moses to take the children of Israel and get out of Egypt. Moses walked with the children of Israel, and Pharaoh knew of their exit, so he and his soldiers went out to catch them.

Moses arrived and built Israel toward the sea, so Pharaoh joined them, and the children of Israel said that Pharaoh was inevitably holding us, and Moses said, No, that my Lord will guide me.

So God inspired Moses to hit with the sea stick, and he did, and the sea split, and the land appeared, and Moses went and built Israel

And Pharaoh saw this miracle, and he did not consider it. He went further in his stubbornness, and went down to the land, he and his soldiers, so the sea returned as it was, and Pharaoh drowned his soldiers, and God saved Moses and built Israel from Pharaoh and his soldiers.

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